Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Book II. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an alphabetical "Catalogue of Plants from Doctors Linnous [sic] and Hill," referring to Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) and Sir John Hill (1714?-1775), as well as Manasseh Cutler's descriptions of plants in 1783, numbered 100-140, including Indian cucumber (Medeola), pigeon berry (possibly Rivina humilis), and yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea). There is an index to plants described in the front of the volume.


(seq. 1)
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(seq. 1)

Book II.

No. page
100 Yellow flower grass 41
101 White flower Quales field 42
102 Star Bush 43
103 Dwarf Dandandallion 45
104 Candle or Barbaries 45
105 Putrid weed 46
106 Water Star plants 47
Blood Root 50
107 Branched Weed, like Sanicle 51
108 Cure All 52
109 Sasarsafarilla 54
110 Trientalis 57
111 Suppose Adder's Tongue 57
[112] Poke Root 58
112 Sisyrinchium (grass) 59
113 Ladies Kippe 60
114 Cranes Bill 62
115 Yellow Violet 63
116 Dwarf Snake weed 64
117 Meadow Scabion 66
118 Head Betony 67
119 Solomon Seal 69
120 Three leaves Plant 70
121 Yellow Flower (wild [?] Flow) 72
122 Whiteflower Star Plant 74
123 Small Purple Flower 76
124 Small White flower 77
125 Hairy Stork, small white flower 78
126 White Umbulated flower 79
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(seq. 2)
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(seq. 2)

127 Pidgeon Berry 80
128 Yellow Water Lilly 83
129 Saraeena 83
130 Burr Weed 87
131 Small Branched Weed 89
132 Wild Angellica 92
133 Comphery 93
134 White Weed 94
135 Betony 96
136 Species of Solomon’s Seal 97
137 Laurel 99
138 Indian Cucumber 101
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(seq. 3)
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(seq. 3)

A Catalogue of Plants from Doctrs Linnaus & Hill

A ...................................................... Class ...... Order ....
Abele, Populus Dioceia. Octana
Abelmosk, Hibiscus Monadel. Polyan
Acacia, Mimosa Polyga. Monocei
Acacia, false Robinia Diadelp. Decand
Acacia, German, Prunus Icosand Monogy
Acacia, 3, thorn'd, Gleditsia Polyga Monoc
Acajou, Anacardium Calhu Nut Decand Monog
Aconite, Aconitum Wolf-bane Polyand Trigy.
Adam's Apple, Citrus Citron Polyand Icosand
Adam's Needle, Yucca Hexand. Monogy
Acconite, Winter, Helleborus Polya Polygyn
# Adder's Wort, Polygonum Knot Grass Octand. Trigyn
# Adder's Tongue, Ophioglossum Crypto. Filices.
Adragant, Gum, see Tragacanth
Agaric, Agaricus Crypto. Fungi
Agnus castus, Vitex Chaste Face Didyna Angio
# Agrimony, Agrimonia Dodecand Digyn
- - - - - - Bastard, Agrimonia Dodecand Digyn
- - - - - - Hemp, Eupatorium Syngen Poly.A
- - - - - - Bastard Hemp, Ageratum Syngen Poly.A
- - - - - - Nakedheaded Do. Serbefina Syngen Poly A
- - - - - - Water Hemp, Bidens Syngene Poly[?]
Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 4)
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(seq. 4)

Ague Tree, Laurus ........................ Encand Monogy
Alaternus, Bastard, Phylica............. Pentand Monogy
# Alder, Betula ............................... Monecia Triand.
# Alder. Black, or berry, bearing } Pentand Monog
or Buck-Thorn Rhamnus
G.# Ale-cost, Tanacetum Tansy Syngene Poly. Sup
# Ale-hoof, Glechoma Ground Ivy or Gill Didyna Gymno
Alexanders, Smyrnium Gromwell Pentand Digyn
Alkali, Salicornia Jointed Glass or Salt-wort Monand Monog.
Alkanet, Lithospermum Winter Chery Pentand Monog
Alkekengi, Physalis Goose-foot or, wild Orach Pentand Monog
# All-good, Chenopodium Pentand Digy.
# All-heal, Clowns, Stachys Bakers Horehound Didyn. Gymno
.........., Hercules's, Pastinaca Pentand Digyn
.........., Hercules's, Heracleum Cow parsnip Pentand Digyne
All-seed, Linum Pentand Pentagy
All-spice, Myrteus [Myrtaceae] Icosand Monog.
Alligator Pear Laurus Eneand Monog
Almond, Amygdalus Icosand Monog
______ African, Brabejum Tetrand Monog
______ Ethiopian, Brabejum Tetrand Monog.
Aloe, American, Agave Hexand Monog.
_____ Water, Stratiotes Water Soldier Polyand Hexagyn
G# Althoa frutex, Hibiscus Monad [Sp?] Polyan
Alysson, Rough-leaved, Subularia Tetradyn Silic[?]o
Amaranth, Amaranthus Flower Gentle Monecia Pentand
G# ______ Globe, Gomphrena Pentand Digynia
Amber Tree, Anthospermum Polygam Dioecia
Amellus of Virgil, Aster Syngene Poly. Sup
Amomum, Plinii, Solanum Pentand Monog.
_________ German, Sison Pentand Digyn
Ananas, Bromelia Hexand Monog
Ananas Wild, Bromelia Hexand Monog
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(seq. 5)
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(seq. 5)

Anenome, wood Anenome Wind flower Polyand Polygy.
G. # Angelica, Berry-bearing Aralia Pentand Pentag.
# _____ Wild, Aegopodium Herb. Gerard or Goutwort Pentand Digenia
Anise, Pimpinella Pentand Digyn
Angelica Tree
Anotta, Bisea Polyand Monog
Apeiba of ye Brasilians, Sloanea Polyand Monog
G. # Apple, Pyrus Icosand Pentagy
_____ Adams, Citrus Polyand Icosan
_____ Blad, Cactus Icosand Monog.
_____ Custard, Annona Polyand Polyg
_____ Love, Solanum Pentand Monog
_____ Mad, Solanum Pentand Monog.
_____ Male-Balsam, Momordica Monoeci Synge
_____ May, Podophyllum Duck foot Polyand Monog
_____ Pine, Bromelia Hexand Monog
_____ purple, Annona Polyand Polyg.
_____ Soap, Sapindus Pentand Trigy.
_____ Sour, Annona Polyand Polyg.
_____ Star, Chrysophyllum Pentand Monog.
_____ Sugar Annona Polyand Polyg.
_____ Sweet Annona Polyand Polyg.
_____ Thorn, Datura Pentand Mono.
_____ Water, Annona Polyand Polyg.
G. # Apricot, Prunus Icosand Monog
Arbor, Vita, Thuya [Thuja] Monoeci Monodel
Arbustus, Trailing, Epigaea Decand Monog
Archangel, Lamium dead Nettle Didyna Gymp.
_____ Balm-leaved, Melittis Didyna Gym.
_____ Yellow, Galeopsis Hedge Nettle Didyna Gymn
Arrow head, Sagittaria Monoeci Polyan
Arrow-headed, Grass, Triglochin Hexand Trigyn
Arrow-root, Indian, Maranta Monand Monog
# Arse-smart, Polygonum Octand Trigy
Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 112 in total