(seq. 1)
Book II.
No. | page | |
100 | Yellow flower grass | 41 |
101 | White flower Quales field | 42 |
102 | Star Bush | 43 |
103 | Dwarf Dandandallion | 45 |
104 | Candle or Barbaries | 45 |
105 | Putrid weed | 46 |
106 | Water Star plants | 47 |
Blood Root | 50 | |
107 | Branched Weed, like Sanicle | 51 |
108 | Cure All | 52 |
109 | Sasarsafarilla | 54 |
110 | Trientalis | 57 |
111 | Suppose Adder's Tongue | 57 |
[112] | Poke Root | 58 |
112 | Sisyrinchium (grass) | 59 |
113 | Ladies Kippe | 60 |
114 | Cranes Bill | 62 |
115 | Yellow Violet | 63 |
116 | Dwarf Snake weed | 64 |
117 | Meadow Scabion | 66 |
118 | Head Betony | 67 |
119 | Solomon Seal | 69 |
120 | Three leaves Plant | 70 |
121 | Yellow Flower (wild [?] Flow) | 72 |
122 | Whiteflower Star Plant | 74 |
123 | Small Purple Flower | 76 |
124 | Small White flower | 77 |
125 | Hairy Stork, small white flower | 78 |
126 | White Umbulated flower | 79 |
(seq. 2)
127 | Pidgeon Berry | 80 |
128 | Yellow Water Lilly | 83 |
129 | Saraeena | 83 |
130 | Burr Weed | 87 |
131 | Small Branched Weed | 89 |
132 | Wild Angellica | 92 |
133 | Comphery | 93 |
134 | White Weed | 94 |
135 | Betony | 96 |
136 | Species of Solomon’s Seal | 97 |
137 | Laurel | 99 |
138 | Indian Cucumber | 101 |
(seq. 3)
A Catalogue of Plants from Doctrs Linnaus & Hill
A ...................................................... | Class ...... | Order .... |
Abele, Populus | Dioceia. | Octana |
Abelmosk, Hibiscus | Monadel. | Polyan |
Acacia, Mimosa | Polyga. | Monocei |
Acacia, false | Diadelp. | Decand |
Acacia, German, Prunus | Icosand | Monogy |
Acacia, 3, thorn'd, Gleditsia | Polyga | Monoc |
Acajou, Anacardium Calhu Nut | Decand | Monog |
Aconite, Aconitum Wolf-bane | Polyand | Trigy. |
Adam's Apple, Citrus Citron | Polyand | Icosand |
Adam's Needle, Yucca | Hexand. | Monogy |
Acconite, Winter, Helleborus | Polya | Polygyn |
# Adder's Wort, Polygonum Knot Grass | Octand. | Trigyn |
# Adder's Tongue, Ophioglossum | Crypto. | Filices. |
Adragant, Gum, see Tragacanth | ||
Agaric, Agaricus | Crypto. | Fungi |
Agnus castus, Vitex Chaste Face | Didyna | Angio |
# Agrimony, Agrimonia | Dodecand | Digyn |
- - - - - - Bastard, Agrimonia | Dodecand | Digyn |
- - - - - - Hemp, Eupatorium | Syngen | Poly.A |
- - - - - - Bastard Hemp, Ageratum | Syngen | Poly.A |
- - - - - - Nakedheaded Do. Serbefina | Syngen | Poly A |
- - - - - - Water Hemp, Bidens | Syngene | Poly[?] |
(seq. 4)
Ague Tree, Laurus ........................ | Encand | Monogy |
Alaternus, Bastard, Phylica............. | Pentand | Monogy |
# Alder, Betula ............................... | Monecia | Triand. |
# Alder. Black, or berry, bearing } | Pentand | Monog |
or Buck-Thorn Rhamnus | ||
G.# Ale-cost, Tanacetum Tansy | Syngene | Poly. Sup |
# Ale-hoof, Glechoma Ground Ivy or Gill | Didyna | Gymno |
Alexanders, Smyrnium Gromwell | Pentand | Digyn |
Alkali, Salicornia Jointed Glass or Salt-wort | Monand | Monog. |
Alkanet, Lithospermum Winter Chery | Pentand | Monog |
Alkekengi, Physalis Goose-foot or, wild Orach | Pentand | Monog |
# All-good, Chenopodium | Pentand | Digy. |
# All-heal, Clowns, Stachys Bakers Horehound | Didyn. | Gymno |
.........., Hercules's, Pastinaca | Pentand | Digyn |
.........., Hercules's, Heracleum Cow parsnip | Pentand | Digyne |
All-seed, Linum | Pentand | Pentagy |
All-spice, Myrteus [Myrtaceae] | Icosand | Monog. |
Alligator Pear Laurus | Eneand | Monog |
Almond, Amygdalus | Icosand | Monog |
______ African, Brabejum | Tetrand | Monog |
______ Ethiopian, Brabejum | Tetrand | Monog. |
Aloe, American, Agave | Hexand | Monog. |
_____ Water, Stratiotes Water Soldier | Polyand | Hexagyn |
G# Althoa frutex, Hibiscus | Monad [Sp?] | Polyan |
Alysson, Rough-leaved, Subularia | Tetradyn | Silic[?]o |
Amaranth, Amaranthus Flower Gentle | Monecia | Pentand |
G# ______ Globe, Gomphrena | Pentand | Digynia |
Amber Tree, Anthospermum | Polygam | Dioecia |
Amellus of Virgil, Aster | Syngene | Poly. Sup |
Amomum, Plinii, Solanum | Pentand | Monog. |
_________ German, Sison | Pentand | Digyn |
Ananas, Bromelia | Hexand | Monog |
Ananas Wild, Bromelia | Hexand | Monog |
(seq. 5)
Anenome, wood Anenome Wind flower | Polyand | Polygy. |
G. # Angelica, Berry-bearing Aralia | Pentand | Pentag. |
# _____ Wild, Aegopodium Herb. Gerard or Goutwort | Pentand | Digenia |
Anise, Pimpinella | Pentand | Digyn |
Angelica Tree | ||
Anotta, Bisea | Polyand | Monog |
Apeiba of ye Brasilians, Sloanea | Polyand | Monog |
G. # Apple, Pyrus | Icosand | Pentagy |
_____ Adams, Citrus | Polyand | Icosan |
_____ Blad, Cactus | Icosand | Monog. |
_____ Custard, Annona | Polyand | Polyg |
_____ Love, Solanum | Pentand | Monog |
_____ Mad, Solanum | Pentand | Monog. |
_____ Male-Balsam, Momordica | Monoeci | Synge |
_____ May, Podophyllum Duck foot | Polyand | Monog |
_____ Pine, Bromelia | Hexand | Monog |
_____ purple, Annona | Polyand | Polyg. |
_____ Soap, Sapindus | Pentand | Trigy. |
_____ Sour, Annona | Polyand | Polyg. |
_____ Star, Chrysophyllum | Pentand | Monog. |
_____ Sugar Annona | Polyand | Polyg. |
_____ Sweet Annona | Polyand | Polyg. |
_____ Thorn, Datura | Pentand | Mono. |
_____ Water, Annona | Polyand | Polyg. |
G. # Apricot, Prunus | Icosand | Monog |
Arbor, Vita, Thuya [Thuja] | Monoeci | Monodel |
Arbustus, Trailing, Epigaea | Decand | Monog |
Archangel, Lamium dead Nettle | Didyna | Gymp. |
_____ Balm-leaved, Melittis | Didyna | Gym. |
_____ Yellow, Galeopsis Hedge Nettle | Didyna | Gymn |
Arrow head, Sagittaria | Monoeci | Polyan |
Arrow-headed, Grass, Triglochin | Hexand | Trigyn |
Arrow-root, Indian, Maranta | Monand | Monog |
# Arse-smart, Polygonum | Octand | Trigy |