(seq. 1)
Status: Page Status Transcribed
Book II.
No. | page |
100 | Yellow flower grass | 41 |
101 | White flower Quales field | 42 |
102 | Star Bush | 43 |
103 | Dwarf Dandandallion | 45 |
104 | Candle or Barbaries | 45 |
105 | Putrid weed | 46 |
106 | Water Star plants | 47 |
Blood Root | 50 | |
107 | Branched Weed, like Sanicle | 51 |
108 | Cure All | 52 |
109 | Sasarsafarilla | 54 |
110 | Trientalis | 57 |
111 | Suppose Adder's Tongue | 57 |
[112] | Poke Root | 58 |
112 | Sisyrinchium (grass) | 59 |
113 | Ladies Kippe | 60 |
114 | Cranes Bill | 62 |
115 | Yellow Violet | 63 |
116 | Dwarf Snake weed | 64 |
117 | Meadow Scabion | 66 |
118 | Head Betony | 67 |
119 | Solomon Seal | 69 |
120 | Three leaves Plant | 70 |
121 | Yellow Flower (wild [?] Flow) | 72 |
122 | Whiteflower Star Plant | 74 |
123 | Small Purple Flower | 76 |
124 | Small White flower | 77 |
125 | Hairy Stork, small white flower | 78 |
126 | White Umbulated flower | 79 |
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