Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Book II. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an alphabetical "Catalogue of Plants from Doctors Linnous [sic] and Hill," referring to Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) and Sir John Hill (1714?-1775), as well as Manasseh Cutler's descriptions of plants in 1783, numbered 100-140, including Indian cucumber (Medeola), pigeon berry (possibly Rivina humilis), and yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea). There is an index to plants described in the front of the volume.


(seq. 6)
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(seq. 6)

Artichoke, Cynara Synge. Poly AE
_____ Jerusalem, Helianthus Syngen Poly. [?]
# Arum, African, Calla Gynand Polyan
_____ Floating, Orontium Hexand Monog
Asarabacca, Asarum Dodecand Monog.
# Ash, Fraxinus Dodecand Monog.
_____ Mountain, Sorbus Icosand Trigy
_____ Poison, Rhus Pentand Trigy
Asparagus, Climbing African } Medeolae Hexand Trigy
# Asp or Aspen Tree, Populus Dioecia Octan.
Asphodel, Asphodelus Rings Spear Hexand Mono
_____ African, Anthericum Spider wort Hexand Mono
_____ Lily, Hemerocallus Day Lily Hexand Mono
_____ Lily, Crinum Hexand Mono
Asses Cucumber, Momordica Monocei Synge
Atamasco Lilly, Amaryllus [Amaryllis] Lily Daffodil Hexand Monog
# Avens, Gerum or Herb Bennet Icosand Polyg.
Avocado Pear, Laurus Enneand Mono.
G. # Auricula, Primula Prim rose Pentand Mono.
Aricula [Auricula borage], Borrage leaved Verbascum Pentand Mono
Azarole, Cratagus wild service Icosand Digyn
Azerira, Prunus Icosand Mono
Hill. # Arrach, Stinking, Atriplex Olida Polyga Mono
# Aron or Cuckow pint, or Lord &
Lady or Dragon root, wake Robin Arum Gynand Poly
G. # Asparagus, Asparagus Sativa Hexand Mono
Last edit almost 2 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 7)
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(seq. 7)

B Balaustine, Punica G. # Baulm of Gilead. Balm of Gilead, Sasse, Dracocephalum Balsm [Balsam], Impatience [Impatiens] Balsm [Balsam], of Tolu, Toluisera _____ Apple, Male Momordica _____ Tree, Clusia _____ Tree, Pittacia _____ Tree Balsamine, Female, Impatiens Bambu Cane, Arundo Banana, Musa Bane-Berries, Actoa Banian Tree, Ficus # Barley, Hordeum Barren-Wort, Epimedium Base-Tree Trefoil, Cytisus Basil, Ocimum _____ Field, Chinopodium _____ American Field, Mondarda _____ Syrian Field, Ziniphora _____ Stone, Thymus _____ Wild, Thymus G. # Batchelor's Button, Lychnis _____ Pear, Solanum G. # Baulm, Melissa

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 8)
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(seq. 8)

Baulm, Bastard, Melittis _____ Moldavian, Dracocephalum _____ Molucca, Moluccella _____ Turkey, Dracocephalum Bay, Laurus _____ Loblolly, Hypericum _____ Rose, Nerium _____ Dwarf Rose, Rhododendron _____ Mountain Rose Rhododendron _____ Sweet-flowering, Magnolia _____ Plumb, Psidium Bread Tree, Melia Bean Tree of America, Erythrina G.# Bean, Vicia _____ Bog, Menyanthus G.# _____ Kidney, Phaseolus _____ Kidney, Tree Glycine _____ Tree, Binding, Mimosa _____ Caper, Zygophyllum _____ Trefoil, Cytisus _____ Trefoil, Stinking, Anagyris Bear-berries, Arbustus Bear-bind, Convolvulus Bears Breach, Acanthus Bear's Ear Primula Bear's Ear Sanicle, Cortusa # Bears Foot, Helleborus Beard, Old-mans, Clematis # Beech, Fagus # Beet, Beta Bee-flower, Ophrys Behn, White, Cucubalus G.# Bell-flower, Campanula

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 9)
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(seq. 9)

G.# Bells, Canterbury, Campanula G.# Bells, Coventry, Campanula Bells, Hair, Hyacinthus Bell, Pepper, Capsicum Belladona Lily, Amaryllis Belvidere, Chenopodium Bellyach — Weed, Jatropha Benjamin Tree, Laurus Bennet Herb, Geum # Berberry, Berberis Bermundiana, Tisyrinchium # Betony, Betonia # _____ Pauls, Veronica # _____ Water, Scrophularia Big, Hordeum Bilberry, Vacinium # Bind-weed, Convolvulus _____ Black, Tamus _____ Rough, Smilax # Birch, Betula _____ of Jamaica Pattacia Bird-Cherry, Prunus Bird Pepper, Capsicum Bird's Eye, Adonis _____ Foot, Ornithopus _____ Foot Trefoil, Lotus _____ Nest, Ophrys _____ Nest, Purple, Orchis Birth-wort, Aristolochia Bishop's-weed, Ammi # Bistort, Polygonium Bitter-gourd, Cucumis

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 10)
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(seq. 10)

# Bitter-Sweet, Solanum Bitter-Vetch, Ervum Bitter-Vetch, Orobus Bitter-Vetch, Jointed poded Ervum Bitter-wort, Gentiana # Black berry, Rubus Bladder Nut, Staphylea Bladder Nut, African, Royena Bladder Nut, Laurel leaved Ilex Bladder, Senna, Colutea Blessed Thistle Cnicus Blinks, Montia Blite, Blitum Blite, Amaranthus Blood-flower, Haemanthus Blood-wood, Hamataxylon # Blood-wort, Rumex G.# Blue bottle, Centaurea Bog bean, bugbane Menyanthes Bog berries, Vaccinium Bogwhorts, Vaccinium Bondue, Guilandina Bonnet Pepper Capsicum Bore-cole, Brassica G.# BorrageBorrago [Borago] Bottle-flower, Centaurea G.# Box, Buxus _____ African, Myrsine G.# _____ Low, Polygala Boxthorn, Lycium # Brakes, Pteris # Bramble, Rubus

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 112 in total