Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Book II. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an alphabetical "Catalogue of Plants from Doctors Linnous [sic] and Hill," referring to Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) and Sir John Hill (1714?-1775), as well as Manasseh Cutler's descriptions of plants in 1783, numbered 100-140, including Indian cucumber (Medeola), pigeon berry (possibly Rivina humilis), and yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea). There is an index to plants described in the front of the volume.


(seq. 11)
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(seq. 11)

Brank, Polygonum Brank ursine, Acanthus Brasiletto, Casalpina Break-stone, Saxifraga Break-stone Parsley, Aphanes Briar, sweet Rosa # _____ Wild, Rosa Brimstone Wort, Peucedanum Bristol, Flower of, Lychnis Broccoli, Brassica Brook lime Veronica Broom, Spartium # ___ African, Aspalathus _____ Dier's, Genista _____ Dwarf, Genista _____ Single seeded, Genista _____ Rape, Orobanche _____ Rape with great purple } flowers Lathrea Brown-wort, Scrophularia Brown-Wort, Brunella Bryony, Bryonia _____ Black Bryonia Buckler Mustard, Biseutella Buck's Horn Plantain Plantago Buck's Horn, Warted, Cochlearia # Buck-Thorn, Rhamnus _____ sea, Hippophae Buck Wheat, Polygonum Bugle, Ajuga G.# Bugloss, Anchusa _____ small wild, Asperugo _____ Vipers, Echium Bullau tree, Chrysophyllum Bullau Tree — Prunus

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 12)
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(seq. 12)

# Burdock, Arctium _____ Lessor, Xanthium G.# Burnet, Garden, Poterium _____ Greater Wild, Sanguisorba _____ Saxifrage, Pimpinella Burning Thorny plant, Euphorbia Burn-Reed, Sparganium Butchers Broom, Rufus Butter Burr, Tussilago Butter Wort Pinguicula Button Tree, Conocarpus # Button Wood, Cephalanthus Button Weed, Spermacoce Hill. Bedstraw, Ladies, Gallium luteum Behn, red Limonium Majus # Betony, wood, Betonea Sylvestris

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 13)
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(seq. 13)

C G.# Cabbage, Brassica _____ Dogs, Theligonum _____ Sea, Crambe _____ Tree, Cacalia # Calamint Melissa _____ Water, Trapa Calve's Snout, Snap dragon Antirrhinum G.# Cale, Brassica _____ Sea, Crambe Caltrops, Tribulus _____ Water, Trapa Cammock, Ononis

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 14)
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(seq. 14)

Campshire Tree, Laurus Campion, Angrostema _____, Lychnis _____, Viscous, Silene Canary-Grass, Phalaris Candle of ye Indians, Rhizophora # Candleberry Myrtle, Myrica Candy Carrot, Athamanta Candy Lion's foot Catananche G.# _____ Tuft, Iberis Cane or Reed, Arundo G.# Canterbury Bells, Campanula Caper-bush, Capparis G.# Caraway, Carum Cardinal-flower, Lobelia G.# Carnation, Dianthus _____ Spanish, Poinciana _____ Tree, Cacalia Carob Tree, Certonia G.# Carrot, Daucus _____ Candy Athiamanita _____ Deadly, Thapsia G.# Carvi, Carum Cashew-Nut, Anacardium Cassava, Jatropha Cassia, Poet's Osyris Cassidony, Gnaphalium Cassiobury Bush, Cassine G.# Catchfly, Silene # Catmint, Nepeta Cat's-foot, Glechoma _____ Mountain, Gnaphalium

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 15)
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(seq. 15)

# Cat's tail, Typha G.# Caterpillars, Scorpiurus G.# Cauliflower, Brassica # Ceder, Tuperus # _____ White, Cypressus _____ of Libanus, Pinus G.# Celadine, Chelidonium # _____ , lesser, Ranunculus _____ Tree, Bocconia Celeriae, Apium G.# Celery, Apium # Centaury, Centaurea # _____ lesser, Gentiana Ceterach, Asplenium G.# Chamomile, Anthemis Chardon, Cynara # Charlock, Sinapi _____ while flowered with join to } pods, Raphanus Chaste-Tree, Vitex Cheese Rennet, Galium # Cherry, Prunus _____, Bird, Prunus _____, Cornelian, Cornus _____, Dwarf, Lonicera _____, Hottentot, Cassine _____, Winter, Physalis _____, Winter, Solanum _____ of ye Alps, Lonicera _____ Laurel, Prunus Chevril, Garden, Scandise _____, Wild, Chaerophyllum # Chestnut, Fagus # _____, Horse, Aesculus

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 112 in total