Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Book II. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an alphabetical "Catalogue of Plants from Doctors Linnous [sic] and Hill," referring to Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) and Sir John Hill (1714?-1775), as well as Manasseh Cutler's descriptions of plants in 1783, numbered 100-140, including Indian cucumber (Medeola), pigeon berry (possibly Rivina humilis), and yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea). There is an index to plants described in the front of the volume.


(seq. 16)
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(seq. 16)

Chestnut, Indian Rose, Mesua Chich Pease, Cicer Chiches, Cicer Chickling Vetch, Lathyrus # Chickweed, Alsine _____, Berry-bearing, Cucubalus _____, Great, Stellaria _____, Mountain, Moehringia _____, Mouse-ear, Cerastium _____, Smallwater, Montia China Root, Smilax _____ Rose, Hibiscus Chinquapin, Fagus Christmas Rose, Helleborus Christopher, Herb, Actaea Christ's Thorn, Rhamnus Chrysanthemum, bastard, } Silphium _____ Head-seeded, Osteospermum Ciboules, Allium Cicely, Sweet, Scandise Cinamom [Cinnamon], Laurus Cinquefoil, Potentilla Citrus, Marsh, Ledum _____ Lesser Marsh, Andromeda _____, Nettle-leaved Turnera _____, Rape of, Asarum Citron, Citrus Citrul, Cucurbeta Cives, Allium Clary, Salvia _____ Pyrenean, Ilorminum Clivers, Galium

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 17)
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(seq. 17)

Clove July Flower, Dianthus Clove Tree, Caryophyllus # Clover, Trifolium _____, Dutch, Trifolium # Clown's Allheal, Stachys Clown's Woundwort, Stachys Cob-nut, Corylus G.# Cock's Comb, Celosia _____ Pedicularis G.# _____ yellow, Rhinanthus Cock's Head, Hedysarum Codlin-Tree, Pyrus Codlins & Cream, Epilobium Coffee Tree, Coffea Cole-seed, Brassica Cole-rape Brassica Cole-wort Brassica _____, sea, Crambe _____ Convolvulus Coloquintida, Cucumis G.# Colt's-foot, Tussilogo _____ foreign, Cacalia G.# Columbine, Aquilegia _____ Featherheaded, Thalictrum Colutea, Jointed-podded, Coronilla # Comphry, Symphytum Consound, Greater, Symphytum _____, Lesser, Bellis _____, Middle, Ajuga _____, Royal, Delphinium _____, Saracen's, Solidago Coral Tree, Erythrina G.# Coriander, Coriandrum

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 18)
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(seq. 18)

Cork — Tree, Quercus G.# Corn, Indian Zea # _____ Flag, Gladiolus _____ Marigold, Chrysanthemum _____ Parsley, Sison _____ Rocket, Bunias _____ Rose, Papaver _____ Sallad, Valeriana Cornel Tree, Cornus Costmary, Tanacetum Cotton, Gossypium _____ Lavender, Santolina _____ Tree, Silk, Bombax _____ Grass, Eriophorum _____ Weed, Filago G.# Coventry Bells, Campanula Courbaril, Hymenaea G.# Cowslip, Primula _____, American, Dodecatheon _____ Jerusalem, Pulmonaria _____ Mountain, Pulmonaria Cow's Lungwort, Verbascum Cow Parsnep, Heracleum Cow Weed, Chaerophyllum Cow Wheat, Melampyrum Crab Tree, Pyrus Crake berries, Empetrum # Cran berries, Vaccinium # Crane's Bill Geranium # Creeper, Virginian, Hedera # Cress, Lepidium _____ Indian, Tropaeolum _____ Sciatica, Iberis

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 19)
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(seq. 19)

Cress, Spanish, Vella _____ Swines, Cochlearia _____ Wall, Turritis _____ Warted, Cochlearia # ____Water, Sisymbrium _____ Winter, Erisymum Cress, Jerusalem, Lychness _____ Knight, Lychness _____ Scarlet, Lychness _____ Wort, Salantia Crowberries, Empetrum # Crow-foot, Ranunculus G.# Crown Imperial, Fritillaria # Cuckow-flower, Ladies Smock Cardamine # Cuckow-Pint, Arum G.# Cucumber, Cucumis _____ asses, Momoarica _____ Egyptian, Momordica _____ Serpent, Trichosanthes _____ Single-seed, Ticyos _____ Small Creeping } Melotheria _____ Spirting, Momordica _____ Wild, Momordica Cud weed, Gnaphalium _____ Bastard, Micropus Cullions, Orchis _____ Soldier's Orchis Cumin, Cumimum _____ Bastard, Lagacia Cup, Mushroom Peziza G.# Curran Tree, Ribes _____ sea, Statice

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 20)
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(seq. 20)

Custard Apple, Annona Cypress, Cupressus — summer, Chenopodium

Hill # Calamint, Pennyroyal, Cala= =mintha odore Pulegii Cascarilla Tree, Cascarillla # Chestnut, Earth, or Earth Nut } _____ Bulbocastanum # Cleavers, Aparine # Couch Grass, Gramen Caninum G.# Currants Black, Ribesia Nigra

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 112 in total