Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Book II. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an alphabetical "Catalogue of Plants from Doctors Linnous [sic] and Hill," referring to Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) and Sir John Hill (1714?-1775), as well as Manasseh Cutler's descriptions of plants in 1783, numbered 100-140, including Indian cucumber (Medeola), pigeon berry (possibly Rivina humilis), and yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea). There is an index to plants described in the front of the volume.


(seq. 21)
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(seq. 21)

D G# Daffoldil, Narcissus _____ Lily, Amaryllis _____ Lily, sea Paneratium # Daisy, Bellis _____ Blue, Globularia _____ Glob, Globularia _____ Greater, Chrysanthemum _____ Middle, Doronieum _____ Ox-eye Chrysanthemum G.# Damson Tree, Prunus _____ Chrysophyllum # Dandelion, Leoontodon Dane-Wort, Sambucus Darnell, Lolium Date Plumb, Indian Diopyrus Date-Tree, Phanise Day Lily, Hemerocallis G.# Devil in a bush, Nigella # Devil's Bit, Scabiosa _____, yallow, Leontodon Dewberry Bush, Rubus Dier's Broom, Genista _____ Weed, Reseda G.# Dill, Anethum Dittander, Lepidium Dittany, Origanum _____ Bastard, Marrubium _____ White, Dictamonis # Dock, Rumex Doctor Tinker's Weed, Triosteum Dodder, Cuscuta _____ of Thyme, Cuscuta Dog's Bone Apocynum

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 22)
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(seq. 22)

Dog's bane, Asclepias _____ Berry, Cornus _____ Cabbage, Theligonum _____ Rue Scrophularia _____ Stones Orchis _____ Tooth Violet, Erythronium # Dogwood, Cornus Double Tongue Rufus Dove's Foot, Geranium Dragons, Dracontium _____ Head, Dracocephalum _____ Water, Calla _____ Wort, Artemisia Dragon, Wild, Artemisia Drop-Wort, Spiraea Drop-Wort Hemlock, Oenanthe Drop-Wort, Water, Oenanthe Duck's Meat, Lemna Duck's meet, Starry, Callitriche Duck's foot, Podophyllum Dwale, Atropa

Hill. Dog. Mercury Cynoerambe # Duck weed, Lenticula

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 23)
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(seq. 23)

E Ebony, Mountain, Bauhinia Edders Arum Egg Plant, Solanum Eglantine, Rosa Elder Tree, Sambucus Elder, Marsh, Viburnum Elecampane Inula _____ Bastard, Helenia Elephant's Foot, Elephantopus _____ Head — Rhinanthus Elichrysum, Stoebe Elm, Ulmus Endive, Cichorium Eryngo, Eryngium Eschalot, Allium Eternal Flower, Xeranthemum __ Ditto __ Gnaphalium __ Ditto,Gomphrena Evergreen, Sempervivum Ditto __ Aizoon Everlasting — three genera of ye same Class & order as Eternal Flower Euonymus, Climbing, Celastrus _____ Bastard, Kiggellaria _________ Celastrus

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 24)
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(seq. 24)

Eye bright, Euphrasia

F Farting Tree, Hura Fausel Nut, Areca Felwort, Gentiana Felon-Wort, Solanum Fennel, Anetham _____, Hog's Peucedanum _____, Scorching Thapsia _____, Sea, Crithmum _____ Flower Nigella _____ Giant, Ferula Fenugreek, Trigonella Fern, Common Male, Polypodium _____ Common Female, Pteris _____ Flowering, Osmunda _____ Mules, Hemionitis _____ Sweet, Scandix Feverfew, Matricaria _____ Bastard, Parthemum [Parthenium] Fever Root, Triosteum

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 25)
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(seq. 25)

Fever-weed., Eryngium Fiddle-Wood, Citharexylum Fig, Ficus Fig, Indian, Cactus _____, Infernal, Argemone _____, Pharaoh's, Ficus __________ Musa _____, Marigold, Mesembryanthemum _____ Tree, Cochineal, Cactus _____ Wort, Scrophularia Filberd, Corylus Fingrigs, Pisonia Finochia, Anethum Fir, Pinus _____ Moss, Upright, Lycopodium Flag or Flag-flower, Iris _____, Corn, Gladious _____ Sweet Scented, Acorus Flax, Linum _____, Carolina, Polypremum _____ Toad, Antirrhinum Fleabane, Conyza _____, Marsh, Inula _____, Middle, Inula _____ Shrubby African, Tarconanthus [Tarchonanthus] _____ Tree, Tarchonanthus Flea-Wort, Plantago Flix-weed, Sisymbrium Flower of Bristol, Lychnis Flower of Constantinople, Lychnis Flower Gentle, Amaranthus Flower of an hour, Hibiscus Flower de Luce, Iris Flower-fence, Poinciana _____ Bastard, Adananthera [Adenanthera]

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 112 in total