Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Book II. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an alphabetical "Catalogue of Plants from Doctors Linnous [sic] and Hill," referring to Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) and Sir John Hill (1714?-1775), as well as Manasseh Cutler's descriptions of plants in 1783, numbered 100-140, including Indian cucumber (Medeola), pigeon berry (possibly Rivina humilis), and yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea). There is an index to plants described in the front of the volume.


(seq. 31)
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(seq. 31)

Heath, Low pine, Coris _____, Pease, Orobus Hedge Hog, Medicago _____ Thorn, Anthillis Hedge Hyssop, Gratiola Hedge Mustard, Erysium [Erysimum ] Hedge Nettle, Galeopsis Hedge Nettle, Shrubby, Prasium Hellebore, Helleborus _____ Bastard, Serapias _____ Black, Helleborus _____ Fennel leaved black } Adonis _____ White, Veratrum Helleborine, Serapias Helmet Flower Serapias Hemlock, conium _____, Great broad-leaved bastard, Ligusticum _____, Lesser, Aethusa _____, Water, Cicuta _____ Drop-wort, Oenanthe Hemp, Cannabis _____, Bastard, Datisea __________ Galeopsis Henbane, Hyoscyamus _____ Yellow, Nicotiana Hen-weed, Guinea, Petiveria Hepatica, Anemone Hep Tree, Rosa Herb Bane, Orobanche Herb Bane, great Purple } Lathraea Herb Bennet, Geum Herb Christopher, Actaea Herb Gerard, Aegopodium

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 32)
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(seq. 32)

Herb of Grace, Ruta _____ Mastick, Satureia [Satureja] _____ Paris, Paris _____ Paris of Canada, Trillium _____ Robert, Geranium _____ Trinity, Viola _____ True-love, Paris _____ Two-pence, Lysimachia _____, Blessed, Geum _____ St. Bartholomew's Ilex _____ Willow, Epilobium __________ Lythrum __________ Lysimache [Lysimachia] Hercules's Club Zanthoxylum Hiccory Nut, Juglans High Taper, Verbascum Hind-berry, Rubus Hog-Plumb Tree, Spondias _____ Fennel, Peucedanum Hogweed of ye Americans } Boerhavia Hollow Root, Adoxa Holly, Ilex _____, Knee, Rusus _____, Sea, Eryngium Hollyhock, Alcea # Honesty, Lunaria Hone Wort, Sison Honey-Flower, Melianthus _____, Locust, Gleditsia # Honeysuckle, Lonicera _____ African-fly, Haleria _____ American Upright, } Azalea # _____ French, Hedysarum

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 33)
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(seq. 33)

# Honeysuckle Grass, Trifolium Honeywort, Cerinthe Hop, Humulus Hop Tree Ilex Hore hound, Marrubium _____ Base, Stachys _____ Bastard, Sideritis _____ Black, Ballota _____ Stinking Marsh Bastard, Glechoma _____ Water, Lycopus Horn beam, Carpinus Horns, Medicago Horse Chestnut, Aesculus _____ Purslain, Triantheum _____* Disch, Cochlearia Horse-Shoe Vetch, Hippocrepis Horse-tail, Equisetum _____ Shrubby, Ephedra Horse-tongue, Ruscus Hounds-tongue Cynoglossum Houseleek, Sempervivum _____ Lesser, wall Pepper Sedum _____ Small Annual, Tillaea _____ Water of Egypt, Pistia Hyacinth, Hyacinthus _____ African blue Ubel= } =lated, Crinum _____ Lily, Scilla _____ Peruvian, Scilla _____ Starry, Scilla Hyssop, Hyssopus _____ Hedge, Gratiola _____ Mountain, Thymbra *Radish

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 34)
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(seq. 34)

Hill, Henry, Good King, English Mercury Bonus Henricus Hermodartyl, Hermodactylus Holloak, Malva Arborea

I Jacinth, Hyacinthus Blue Bells Jack in a Box, Hernandia _____ by ye hedge, Erysimum Jacob's Ladder, Polemonium Jasmine, Jasminum _____ Arabian, Nyctanthes _____ Bastard, Cestrum __________ Lycium

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 35)
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(seq. 35)

Jasmine, Ilex-leaved, Lantana _____ Fennel-leaved, Ipomoea _____ Persian, Syringa _____ Red, Plumeria _____ Scarlet, Bignonia _____ Yellow, Bignonia Jersey Thea, New Ceanothus Jew's Frankincense Stryax Ilathera Bark, Clutia Immortal Eagle flower, Impatience Immortal flower, Gomphrena Indian God Tree, Ficus Indian shot Canna Indigo, Indigofera _____ Bastard, Amorpha Job's Tears, Coix Johnsonia, Callicarpa Jonquill, Narcissus Ipecacuana, Bastard, Asclepias _____, false, Triosteum Iris Uvaria, Aloe Iron-Wood, Sideroxylum [Sideroxylon] Iron-Wort, Sideristis Judas Tree, Cercis Jujube-Tree, Rhamnus July, flower, Clove Dianthus _____ Queen's, Hesperis _____ Stock, Cheiranthus Juniper, Juniperus Jupiter's Beard, Anthyllis _____ Beard American, Amorpha _____ Distaff, Salvia Ivy, Hedera Ivy, bindweed-leaved, Menispermum Ivy, Ground, Glechoma Ivy Tree of America, Kalmia

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 112 in total