Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Book II. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an alphabetical "Catalogue of Plants from Doctors Linnous [sic] and Hill," referring to Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) and Sir John Hill (1714?-1775), as well as Manasseh Cutler's descriptions of plants in 1783, numbered 100-140, including Indian cucumber (Medeola), pigeon berry (possibly Rivina humilis), and yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea). There is an index to plants described in the front of the volume.


(seq. 36)
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(seq. 36)

Jalap, Mirabilis Hill Jalap of America Jalapium Jew's Ears, Auricula Juda

# The Berries of the early flowering shrub in swamps — Called Juniper — — The Berry is round, larger yn a Current — crimson colour — It is a pulpe without cupsules — The seeds 8 or 10 more ovate compressed. The fruit is pleasent — Child are fond of it, & eat them it in milk — Birds are very fond of these berres so yt but few ripen — ripe in June —

K Kale, sea, Crambe Kali, Jalsoda _____, Egyptian Mesembryanthemum _____, Sal Salicornia Kandel of ye Indians, Rhizophora Kelp, Salicornia

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 37)
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(seq. 37)

Kermes, Quercus Kidney-wort, Saxifraga King's Spear, Asphodelus Knap-weed, Centaurea _____, Thorny, Centaurea Knawel, Scleranthus Knee Holly, Ruscus Knee Holm, Ruscus Knight's Cross, Lychness [Lychnis] Knot Berries, Rubus Knot Grass, Polygonum _____ German, Scleranthus _____ Mountain, lllecbrum [Illecebrum] _____ Verticillate, Illecbrum

L Laburnum, Cytisus Ladder to Heaven, Convallaria Lady's Bed straw, Galium _____ Bower, Clematis _____ Comb, Scandix _____ Cushing, Saxifraga

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 38)
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(seq. 38)

Lady's Finger, Anthyllis _____ Mantle, Alchemilla _____ Seal, Iamus _____ Slipper, Cypripedium _____ Smock, Cardamine _____ Traces, Triple Ophrys Lake weed, Polygonum Lamb's Lettuce, Valeriana Larch-Tree, Pinus Lark's Heel, Delphinium Lark's Spur, Delphinium Laserwort, Laserpitium Lavender, Lavandula _____, sea, Statice _____ Cotton, Santolina Laurel, Prunus _____, Alexandrian, Ruscus _____, Dwarf of America, Kalmia _____, Flax-leaved, Daphne _____, Sea-Side, Phyllanthus ____ Spurge, Daphne Laurustinus, Viburnum Lead-wort, Plumbago Leather Wood, Dirca Leek, Allium Lemon Water, Passiflora Lentils, Ercum Lentisk, Pistacia _____ African, Schinus Leopards bane, Doronicum Lettuce, Lactuca _____ Hare's Sonchus _____ Wild, Prenanthes

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 39)
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(seq. 39)

Life, Tree of, Thuya Life, Wood of, Guaiacum Life everlasting, Gnaphalium Lignum Aloes, Cordia Lilac, Syringia Lily, Lilium _____, African scarlet, Amaryllis _____, Alphodel, Crinum _____, Atamasio, Amaryllis _____, Bolladona, Amaryllis _____, St. Bruno's Hemerocallis _____, Conval, Convallaria _____, Day, Hemerocallis _____, Guernsey, Amarillis _____, Jacobaea, Amarillis _____, Japan, Amarillis _____, May, Convallaria _____, Mexican, Amarvillis _____, Persian, Fritellaria _____, Superb, Gloriosa _____, Water, Nymphaea _____, Lesser Yellow water with fringed leaves } Menyanthes _____, Zeylon, Amaryllis _____, Daffodil, Pancratiun _____, Hyacinth, Scilla _____, Thorn, Catesbeae _____, of ye Valley, Convallaria Lime, Citrus Lime, Brook, Veronica Lime Tree, Tilia Linden Tree, Tilia Lion's foot, Candy Catananche

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 40)
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(seq. 40)

Lion's-leaf, Leontice Lion's-Tail, Leonurus Lipplehout, Cassine Liquorice, Glycyrriza _____, Wild, Astragalus __________, Cepanvira __________, Glycine _____, Vetch, Astragalus Live-ever, Sedum Live-long, Sedum Liver-wort, Lichen _____, Marsh, Riccia _____, Noble, Anenome Lizard's Tail, Saururus __________ Piper Loblolly Bay, Hypericum Lochner Growlans, Trollius Locust, Melianthus __________ Ceratonia _____ Bastard, Hymenaea Locust-Tree, Roninia _____ Honey, Gleditsia London Pride, Saxigraga Loose-Strife, Lysimachia _____ Podded, Epilobium _____ Purple, Lythrum _____ Spiked, Lythrum _____ yellow Virginian } Guava Lords & Ladies Arum Lotus or Lotus Tree, Celtis Lovage, Ligusticum Love, Tree of, Cercis Love Apple, Solanum

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 112 in total