(seq. 1)
No. | ____ Index ____ Book III ____ | Page |
141 | Nightshade — Lignosum | 1 |
142 | Mererion Bitter - sweet | 3 |
143 | Toad Flax | 5 |
144 | Orchis - fool's stones (false) | 6 |
145 | Davies's choackall | 9 |
146 | Mr. Fuller's Red bloom | 11 |
147 | Do: _ White flower Bush | 12 |
148 | Dwarf Cherry (Mr. Fuller) | 14 |
149 | Small shot Bush (Do:) | 17 |
150 | Orchis with Bulbs | 19 |
151 | White Flower wood | 25 |
152 | Wild pea | 27 |
153 | Yellow wild O flower | 29 |
154 | Kling weed | 31 |
155 | Rattle Snake planting | 33 |
156 | Yarrow | 35 |
157 | Great & Wild Angillica | 35 |
158} | ||
159 | Purple wild pea | 39 |
160 | Ruff-stalk star-plant | 40 |
161 | Water John's Wort on spike plant | 41 |
162 | One flower | 44 |
163 | Pepper Bush | 45 |
164 | Arrow leaved Pickeril } weed | 46 |
(seq. 2)
165 | Yellow Trefoil | 51 |
Red Trefoil | 52 | |
White Trefoil | 54 | |
166 | Winter Red berry Bush | 55 |
167 | Swamp Pink | 57 |
168 | Small Thistle | 60 |
169 | Meadow liver wort | 61 |
170 | Large spiked Hellebore | 63 |
171 | Purple alternate flower | 69 |
172 | Clove Ginseng | 69 & |
Blank | 70 | |
173 | Crain Berries | 70 |
174 | Wild Hysop | 71 |
175 | Cinquefoil, Silver weed | 73 |
176 | Water Cress | 75 |
177 | Large spiked Hellebore | 76 |
178 | Blue Spike flower | 80 |
179 | Umbrilla Weed | 82 |
180 | Water Barr Grass | 84 |
181 | Silk weed | 87 |
182 | Mother Wort | 91 |
183 | Pety Morrell | 91 |
184 | Tea Bush | 95 |
185 | Yellow Lark-Spurr | 97 |
(seq. 3)
185 | Succory | 99 |
186 | Water Mint | 100 |
187 | Pond Blue Spike or Pickerel Weed | 103 |
188 | Arrow Head | 105 |
189 | Great Water plantain | 107 |
190 | Globe Bush | 108 |
191 | Black Brook weed | 111 |
192 | Bastard Water Mint | 112 |
193 | Newbery Marsh mint | 114 |
194 | Wild marjoram | 115 |
195 | Mr Dulih's Blue or Piney Bells | 117 |
196 | Wild Beans Bradford | 119 |
197 | Dwarf silky weed | 121 |
198 | Long Vine Haverhill | 122 |
199 | Purple flower Haverhill | 124 |
200 | Dwarf Stramonium | 125 |
201 | Yellowflower Haverhill | 126 |
202 | Larger Pennyroyal | 127 |
203 | Johns Wort | 129 |
204 | Wild Lupin | 130 |
205 | Wood Sorrell | 131 |
206 | No-flowered Ars-mart | 131 |
207 | Indigo Weed | 133 |
208 | Emetic Weed | 134 |
209 | Water hore hound | 138 |
210 | Dwarf John's Wort | 140 |
211 | Convolvolus | 141 |
(seq. 4)
212 | Scabouse yellow | 141 |
213 | Scabouse Purple | 142 |
215 | Red Bush | 144 |
114 | Yellow Vine | 143 |
116 | Celendine | 146 |
330 | Late Branched flowers overleaf |
Stalks — erect. 4 or 5 square — jointed — 8 or 10 inches high 4 or 5 branches sent off at a joint — where ye stands 4 or 5 strap-shaped — (but acuminated at both ends) leaves 3/4 inch long 1/10 wide in a Star-form — ye branches all end in small spikes — seeds fall off as they ripen — spikes close — The flowers greenish white, exceeding small — Blooms for a long time & very late in ye year — grows in pastures, in dry & prety poor land. The flowers fall & ye — spike seems much like ye low century. But for want of a better belief Microscope must content myself not to attempt an accurate discription.
(seq. 5)
Sept. 30th No. 330 Late Branched Spike but know not wt it is —
Calyx — Cup of 3 segts 3 petals — on large ye other 2 small — & stand near together — ye larger one on ye oposite & upper side.
Corol. 2 large petals grow oposite between ye 2 small & ye large segts — ovate — Or think may belong to ye Calyx. for they are all coloured white borders with broad strips of green in ye middle. And within ye is ye appearance of 2 wings & a keel petal yt surrounds ye Stam.
Stam — It may be of ye 14 but amost inclined to think it si ye 23 Class — & should think so if ye Style was on ye Germen in any advanced stage of ye flower — before full bloom ye stile seems to be on ye germen size. filamts 6 8 or so very short & fine to grow upon it. Anthera simple & large for ye flower.
Pistil — Germ. above ovate compressed — stile & stigma appear like ye [keell?] above —
Seeds — 2 ovate or oblong indented black seeds contained in capsule of 2 cells. — large
But ye flower is too small to be perfectly exam. with my Microscope ##