Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Extracts from Dr. Stokes Letters on Specimens. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains observations on assorted plant species from the unaddressed correspondence of Scottish physician and botanist Jonathan Stokes (1755-1831), probably to Manasseh Cutler, dated 1806 August 1; 1807 November 3; 1808 January 12; 1790 December 27; and 1791 February 14 to 1793 August 17.


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Extracts From Dr. Stokes Letter on Specimens

Last edit almost 5 years ago by Judy Warnement
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Last edit almost 5 years ago by Judy Warnement
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Dr. Stokes' observations Vid. Letter Aug. 1.06 —

Leontodon Taraxacum Convolvulus arv. [Convolvulus arvensis] & Convolvulus sept. [Convolvulus septanata] Hyer. perfol. [Hypericum perfoliatum] Sinapis nigra Cucubal. Behn. [Cucubalus behen]

} He thinks imported with European seeds as ye Erigeron Canadensis is naturalized in Europe

Circaea alp. [Circaea alpina] suspect is C. latif. [Circaea latifolia] Bastard Pepper Grass is a Lepidium Virg. [Lepidium virginicum] or nudicaule [Lepidium nudicaule] Meadow Blue Bells is a Campanula. 75 wanting. Vid. p. 19. American Tea. is Ceanothus Amer. [Ceanothus americanus] Azalea is Azalea viscosa. Aralia N. Sp. corresponds with ye Char. & fig. of A. racemosa [Aralia racemosa] Convallaria stellata, is I think a spec. of Jacquins. Lil. martag. [Lilium martagon] is some other species. Epilob. palust. [Epilobium palustre] is Epilob. angustifol. [Epilobium angustifolium] Androm. [Andromeda] supposed N. Sp. we have in our pleasure grounds, perhaps secunda [Andromeda secunda] or racemosa [Andromeda raccemosa] Pantheon is Rhodora Canad. [Rhodora candadensis] False Vine, Ipomoea, to be a Lythrum, but only judge from habit — it is surely petiolate.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 4)

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2. Pyrus Can. [Pyrus canadenis] is Mispil. Canad. [Mespilus canadensis] Anemone sylv. [Anemone sylvestris] I am doubtful of. Caltha pal. [Caltha palustris] Are ye petals always open at ye base? — Euphorbia lutea is surely Scroph. [Scrophularia galini?] Bignon. [Bignonia] N. Sp. is it not a variety of B. Semperv. [Bignonia sempervirens]? Have you examined it repeatedly? Are not ye lower leaves different?

Wood Betony a Pedicul. lapp. [Pedicularis lapponica] Digit. purp. [Digitalis purpurea] — a different plant. Medicago Virg. [Medicago virginica] is rather Glycine or Phaseol. [Phaseolus]. Ageratum ciliare is more like Coreops. [Coreopsis] Stohl. cent. centaurea is more like Centaurea nigra or jacea [Centaurea jacea]. Rudbeckia N. Sp. is Gnaphal. margerit [Gnaphalium margaritaceum] Lathyrus tuberosus is Pisum marit. [Pisum maritimum]. Gynandr. [Gynandropsis] Plant, No. 7 is it not an Ophrys? Zann. [Zannichellia] a different plant. It has ye habit of a plant of Didym. [Didynamia] Angiosp. { acalypha Virg [Virginia] — 21 Class vid. Corylus to be compared with ye cultivated Filbert if you have ye a tree cultivated.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 5)

(seq. 5)

3. Arum. Amer. Betal is Draconl. Linnaeus [Dracunculus L.] conjectures it may prove a Pothos. wh your observations seem to confirm. But wt is still wanting is a more particular examination of ye manner in which the styles & filamenta are con= nected with ye receptacle.

Hirundo rustica is our common Swallow wh builds & sings on ye tops of Chimmis. The cock has brownish red brest.

Hirundo urbica is ye martin. Its belly is white. It is small, & its tail not so forked as that of the H. rust. [Hirundo rustica] builds under ye cornices of stone & brick houses, or under sheds.

Hirundo riparia, Sand Martin, builds in holes in sand banks, on ye sides of rivers.

H. apus [Hirundo apus] of a dull smokey black, large. Builds in ye nests of Sparrows. Eggs are white. The Amer. swallows H. [Hirando] purp. [purpurea], H. subis H. pelagia [pelagica?]. Skins dryed between paper, sprinkling ym with a good deal of peper & salt. —

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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