(seq. 3)
Dr. Stokes' observations Vid. Letter Aug. 1.06 —
Leontodon Taraxacum Convolvulus arv. [Convolvulus arvensis] & Convolvulus sept. [Convolvulus septanata] Hyer. perfol. [Hypericum perfoliatum] Sinapis nigra Cucubal. Behn. [Cucubalus behen]
} He thinks imported with European seeds as ye Erigeron Canadensis is naturalized in Europe
Circaea alp. [Circaea alpina] suspect is C. latif. [Circaea latifolia] Bastard Pepper Grass is a Lepidium Virg. [Lepidium virginicum] or nudicaule [Lepidium nudicaule] Meadow Blue Bells is a Campanula. 75 wanting. Vid. p. 19. American Tea. is Ceanothus Amer. [Ceanothus americanus] Azalea is Azalea viscosa. Aralia N. Sp. corresponds with ye Char. & fig. of A. racemosa [Aralia racemosa] Convallaria stellata, is I think a spec. of Jacquins. Lil. martag. [Lilium martagon] is some other species. Epilob. palust. [Epilobium palustre] is Epilob. angustifol. [Epilobium angustifolium] Androm. [Andromeda] supposed N. Sp. we have in our pleasure grounds, perhaps secunda [Andromeda secunda] or racemosa [Andromeda raccemosa] Pantheon is Rhodora Canad. [Rhodora candadensis] False Vine, Ipomoea, to be a Lythrum, but only judge from habit — it is surely petiolate.
(seq. 4)
2. Pyrus Can. [Pyrus canadenis] is Mispil. Canad. [Mespilus canadensis] Anemone sylv. [Anemone sylvestris] I am doubtful of. Caltha pal. [Caltha palustris] Are ye petals always open at ye base? — Euphorbia lutea is surely Scroph. [Scrophularia galini?] Bignon. [Bignonia] N. Sp. is it not a variety of B. Semperv. [Bignonia sempervirens]? Have you examined it repeatedly? Are not ye lower leaves different?
Wood Betony a Pedicul. lapp. [Pedicularis lapponica] Digit. purp. [Digitalis purpurea] — a different plant. Medicago Virg. [Medicago virginica] is rather Glycine or Phaseol. [Phaseolus]. Ageratum ciliare is more like Coreops. [Coreopsis] Stohl. cent. centaurea is more like Centaurea nigra or jacea [Centaurea jacea]. Rudbeckia N. Sp. is Gnaphal. margerit [Gnaphalium margaritaceum] Lathyrus tuberosus is Pisum marit. [Pisum maritimum]. Gynandr. [Gynandropsis] Plant, No. 7 is it not an Ophrys? Zann. [Zannichellia] a different plant. It has ye habit of a plant of Didym. [Didynamia] Angiosp. { acalypha Virg [Virginia] — 21 Class vid. Corylus to be compared with ye cultivated Filbert if you have ye a tree cultivated.
(seq. 5)
3. Arum. Amer. Betal is Draconl. Linnaeus [Dracunculus L.] conjectures it may prove a Pothos. wh your observations seem to confirm. But wt is still wanting is a more particular examination of ye manner in which the styles & filamenta are con= nected with ye receptacle.
Hirundo rustica is our common Swallow wh builds & sings on ye tops of Chimmis. The cock has brownish red brest.
Hirundo urbica is ye martin. Its belly is white. It is small, & its tail not so forked as that of the H. rust. [Hirundo rustica] builds under ye cornices of stone & brick houses, or under sheds.
Hirundo riparia, Sand Martin, builds in holes in sand banks, on ye sides of rivers.
H. apus [Hirundo apus] of a dull smokey black, large. Builds in ye nests of Sparrows. Eggs are white. The Amer. swallows H. [Hirando] purp. [purpurea], H. subis H. pelagia [pelagica?]. Skins dryed between paper, sprinkling ym with a good deal of peper & salt. —