Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Broadsides, lists, and bills, approximately 1814-1829. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains an undated broadside regarding the formation of the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina in 1814; undated fragments and lists of books, medical texts, scientists, authors, and political figures; and lists of books and invoices, including an undated manuscript list of books belonging to the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina; a bill to the Charleston Library Society from an English merchant, dated April 20, 1818; a list of books ordered from J. H. Mey by Stephen Elliot for the Charleston Library Society in his capacity of president in 1821; and books and periodicals presented to the Society by French botanist François André Michaux (1770-1855) in 1821-1822. There is also correspondence in English and French from Michaux to Elliott including lists of books and the status of shipments to America in 1828 and other bills and correspondence in French, dated 1828-1829.


(seq. 11)
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(seq. 11)

The Charleston Library } London 20th Apl. 1818 Society So. Carolia } To Geo. Wylie —

None in London x 1. Life of John Duke of Marlboro
now reprinting x 2 Souths Klopstock 7 6
x 3 Tweedells Remains 3 3
out of print 4 Dodson`s Life of Sir M. Forster
x 5x Stephens Life of H. Tooke 2 v. 1 4
out of print x 6 Ditto? " of [Beddoes?]
x 7 Wilkins " Sheriden 2 v. 1 8
Ditto x 8 Wordsworths Ecc. Biogy.
x 9 Carte tens Life 12
x 10 Lloyds Alfiore 3 v. 1 7
x 11 Watsons Life 2 v. 1 6
x 12 Beauchamps France 2 v. 1 1
x 13 Jones Journal of the Seiges 18
out of print 14 Burgoynes State of the Expedition Canada
Cost you £3.12. 15 Cranes History of Greenland 2 v.
out of print 16 [Creyalls Almanac?]
x 17 Flinders Voyage 2 v. 4to & Maps Folio 812
x 18 Holland Greece " — 3 3
x 19 Gells Greece Royal " — 2146
x 20 Linneuss Flora of Lapland 2 v. 1 1
x 21 Walpoles Egypt 4to 3 3
x 22 Beckmans Inventions 4 v. 2 8
x 24 Duteem Enquiry 2d hand 13 6
x 25 Matels Northern Antiquities 2 v. 15
33 166
Last edit 10 months ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 12)
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(seq. 12)

— Brot over 33 16 6
out of print 26 Antiquities of Nations
Ditto 27 [Panoramas?] Travels
x 28 Cumberlands Aristophanes 12
ditto 29 Brucker Historia critica philos.
x 30 Horsleys Psls {Psalms} 2 v. 18
Ditto 31 Letters to Priestly & others
x 32 — Charges (7 fr) & 1 Adams (10 d) Catecm 7 10
x — Tracts ———— 14
x 33 Biddulph on the collects 3 v. 1 11 6
x 34 Belshams Revelatien 5
x 35 Ditto on the Person of Christ 8
x 36 Fellowes Body of Theology 2 v. 18
x 37 Volneys Greek Testament 2 13
38 Geddes Translation of the Bible Cent. 3 v. 1 1
x 39 Carnot on Fortification of Places 8 6
40 Smiths Strategical Instructions 16
x 41 Scloppetaria or Treatise on rifle guns 8 6
x 42 Ganilhs Inq into Systems of Polil. Econy. 13
are both out of pt. 43 & 44 Logens Des? Govt. & Elemts of Phil.
x 45 Colguhorn on Wealth royl. 4to 2 2
x 46 Pitts Speeches 3 v. 1 17
x — Foxes Ditto 6 v. 4 10
x — Windhams Ditto 3 v. 1 17
x 47 Eloquence of British Senate 2 v. 1 2
x 48 Coloden Papers — 4to 3 7
x 49 Sinclair on Agriculture of Scold. 5 v. 4 8
39 4to with Plates £64 14 10
— Brot up 64 14 10
you £3.12 50 [Dougdales ?] will cost
out of print 51 Grainger History of the sugar cane
52 Caine on the Olaheite cane 6 6
out of print 53 Hutton`s Theory of the earth
reprinting 54 Playfair illustrations of of ditto
out of print 55 Murry`s Anwer to Playfair
x 56 Parkes Chemical Essays 5 v. 2 4
x 57 Singer on Electricity 17
all out of print 58 , 59,60. [? cold ?] Worcesters inventions
separate from } 61} Andersons Recherches (not bo be had)
the complete work }
out of print 62} Martin extraneous Fossils
x 63 Hargreaves [Juries Cornutt Ex.?] 35 4º 7
x 64 Wilmotes Notes & opinions 4º 1 2
x 65 Chilly on criminal law 4 . Regl. 5 10
x 66 Mackinzies Works 8 v. 3 6
x 67 Congreaves Ditto 2 v. 7 6
x 68 Hunts Essays on the Stage 8 6
out of print 69 Gibbens Apology
x 70 Sewards Letters 6 v. 3 3
x 71 Bergers Klopstock 10 6
x 72 Gutheries Cirere 3 v. 1 1
x 73 Hayters Herculanean M.S.S. 4º 1 1 1
2 v. Fol. 16£ 74 Ionian Antiquities only 1 copy bound
so [?] paid £16 — 2 v. Folio ——
x 75 Stewarts Athens 2 v. Regl. Impe. Fol. 13 19
x 76 Dallaway`s Anecdotes of the Arts 2d hand. 10 6
42 x 77 Petisie [Pétis de la Croix?] Lixr. 2 v. fol. x —— Ditto 3
109 11 4
Last edit 10 months ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 13)
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(seq. 13)

Brot over 109 11 4
78 Essays on Literary composition 11
x 79 Southeys Omniaria 2 v. 12
x 80 Austins Chronomia 4° 2 4
x 81 Ensors Independent Man 2 v. 18
x 82 Maynes Siller Gun 4
x 83 Boyds Select Poems of Synesius 5
x 84 Ruminator 2 v. 18 6
x 85 Alindor —— 4 v. 1
x 86 Sense & Sensibility 3 v. 18 6
x 87 Beauford or Picture of high Life 2 v. 15
x Philosophical Transtns 1815 to 17 5 10
x Linnean Ditto — 5 v. 7 to 12 4° } 12 1 6
x sey £12.1.6
x Philosophical Magz. v. 45 to 50 4 10
x 36 Nos. in this 2/6
x Botanical Ditto v. 42-44 5 5
x 30 Nos. in this 3/6
x Annual Register 1815 & 1816 1 12
x Asiatic Researches v. 12 not yet out
x v. 12 not yet Published
x Shaws Zoology v. 5 to 10 Plates 15 15
x Pub. in advance } 6/. each 2 14
x Nautical Alamanac 1811 to 1820-19 & 20
x 1816 cannot be had in London
x out of print ———
x Monthly Review v. 77 to 84 5
x 40 Nos. — x 2/6
x Critical Ditto v. 5 & 6 & v. 1 to 5 N. Series 5 5
x 42 Nos. — x 2/6
x Gentlemens Ditto v. 86 & 87 —— 2 16
x 28 Nos. x 2/.
x Pamphleteer v. 1 to 11. ——— 7 3
x 22 Nos. x 6/6
x Pezron on the Antiquity of Nations 2 v. 7 6
x [Nar?] Translated from the Greek
x The same Bk as Boyds Poems on the other side
x Mores St Paul 2 v. Ragl. —— £ 186 8 4
x Brot up 186 8 4
x Russells History of Aleppo 7 v. 4° 2d hand} 3 13 6
x Malcolms Persia 2 v. Rogl. 4° 8 8
x Nicholls Literary Anecdotes 9 v. 11 11
x Biographical Anecdote of Burger
x Included in the Literary anecdote above
x Hogarths works 2 v. 4° Plates 10 10
x Ditto 1 v. 3 — 4 4
x Purshs Flora 2 v. Coloured 2 12 6
x Not ordered ——————
x New works of Sterit 21 in number
x Kosters Travels in the Brazil 2 v. 4° 1 4
x Southeys Brazil 2 v. 4° 4 12
x Morgans France 2 v. 1 11 6
x Bonapartes Reply to Lord Bathhurst 4
x Depradts Colonies 12
x Vaudoncourts Ionian Isles 15
x Rob Roy 3 v. 1 4
x Edinb. Review 6
x Ditto Gazetteer Part 1 & 2d 18
x Ditto Atlas 1 16
x Graves Naturalist Pocket Bk 14
x Accums Chemical Amusements 9
x Byrons Works 6 v. — 2 2
x Clarks Travels 6 v. — 5 8
x Ellisi Embassy 2 v. — 1 1
x Golownins Japan 2 v. — 18
x Leighs Travels — 12
x ——————— £ 251 13 10
Last edit almost 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 14)
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(seq. 14)

x Brot up 332 6 4
x Not ordered
x Bridgemans Paraphrase on the Nicomachean 1 12 6
x Ethics of Aristotle neat calf 4°
x Binding as per annexed acct. 45 6 1
x Gibbons fall & decline of the Roman Empire 6
x Elegently bd extra 12 vol.
x Intercepted Letters or Two penny post bag 5
x European Mag. 1 Thomsen's Annals 2/. & 2/6 4 6
x Repertory of Arts / British Critic 3/. & 2/6 5 6
x Appendix to Critical Review v. 1st 5th series & v. 6 4th series 4 9
x Philosophical Mag. ————— 2 6
x —————————————————— 386 7 2
Binding as per Annexed Accot. of the whole above see above

2 Boxes of 2 of, Roping 11/ & Packing } 1 11
1 Small Ditto ————————— 3
Shipping charges
Entry & Duty on £380. £2 .4 .6
Bills [lading?] ————————— .3 .6
Dock Charges & [Parterage?] .3 .2
Carta & other charges to Dock .6 .6
Wharfage .2.2 2 19 10
———— £ 391 1
Bond & Debenture 1 14
———— 392 15
Cr By the last part of the Linnean } £1.5
Transactions kept back not making a vol,
Drawback on 48 olbs a} 3d p. lb. 6. 7 5
New books ———— £385 10
3 Boxes Mkd A 1 to 3 Charleston So. Carolina
Per Prince Madoc Life Holden, Master
Insurance on £385. a 35 l. £6.14.9
Policy & Duty ———— 1.1 ———— 7 15 9
———— £393 5 9
Last edit 10 months ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 15)
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(seq. 15)

Brought over £ 395. 9 .9 Freight for Bill of Lading } with primage — } is £2.4 which falls to be added to the amount on the others side which is £393. 2.9 — 2 4. £395.9.9

Last edit 10 months ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 38 in total