(seq. 2)



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no locality — merely nos — but I send you on the opposite
page, a list of the localities for the whole of themy Pyreneean

At present I have not time to put up more
specimens for you — as in two days I am to start
for Russia, where I am to remain for two or three
months. On my return home by Christmas however
I shall make up for you another large packet
containing the remainders of the orders I have not
yet laid aside — and as I give you a specimen of every thing
I have among my duplicates, I hope that I may
in time expect something good from you — indeed
my friend Mr. Parker has often talked to me of your
liberality — It is chiefly the rarer or ill determinded
N. American species I desire — but I shall be happy
to have all — Such as the Violaceae, Cistinea, Carices
Compositae, Salices, and some others, not forgetting the
Dionaea muscipula! that will be very precious to me.

Sir I am your servant
G.A. Walker Arnott

I have sent the packet to Dr. Hooker's care at Glasgow
he forwarded to you —

Localities for the Nos. of Pyreneean plants 15th May - 15 Aug. 1825

No. 1 to 42 Narbonne
43-76 77-110} Narbonne to the de St. Lucie and any returns next day
111-159 Narbonne to Donos in the Corbieres
160-185 Donos to Sijean Sijean
186-222 Perpignan
223-252 Perpignan to Collioure
253-327 Collioure to Bagnols
328-370 Collioure to Tour de Massane and afterwards on the return to Perpignan
371-409B Perpignan to Barcelona
410-452 Montjouy at Barcelona
453-475 Barcelona (North West of)
476-508 Garden of Barcelona (open air plants)
509-535 Barcelona to Perpignan
536-558 Arles (Pyrenies Orient [?])
559-602 Arles to Prats de Mollo
603-659 about Prats de Mollo
660-685 Prats de Mollo to St. Guilhem a hermitage on the Canigou
686-752 St. Guilhem to Cady a shepherds hut on the Canigou
753-820 Cady to Prades
821-845 Prades to the Traneado d'Ambouvilla
846-859 Sardynia near Prades
860-908 Font de Comps
909-922 Prades to Mont Louis
923-950 Mont Louis
951-1078 Mont Louis by the Vallee d'Eynes to Nouri and our return
1079-1086E Mont Louis
1087-1113 Cambredazes
1114-1123 Mont Louis to Bourg Madame close to Puycerda
1124-1150 Bourg Madame to Seu d'Urgell
1151- 1183 Seu d'Urgell
1184-1215 Mont Cady near Seu d'Urgell
1216-1242 Seu d'Urgell to Andorra (the capital of the republic of Andorre)
1243-1297 Port Negre, a lofty mountain at the extremity of the Vallee d'Andorre
1298-1340 Andorre to Soldeu
1341-1350 Soldeu to Bourg Madame
1351-1363 Mont Louis to Le Plat in the Consslent Capsir
1364-1425 Le Plat to Ax (de pe. de l'Ariège) by the Port de Pailhères.
1426-1431 Ax
1432-1449 Foix
1450-1453 Foix to St. Girons
1454-1501 { St. Girons to the Cabane de Rouge on the Mont Crabere
1502-1512 Cabana de Rouge to the Pie de Crabere and Melles
1513-1523 Melles to St. Beat (Haute Garoune)
1502-1512 St. Beat
1513-1523 St. Beat to Cierp
1524- 1656 1579 Bagneres de Luchon to Benasque (principally gathered at the Port du Benasque
1580-1582 Cazaril
1583-1656 On the Esquierry
1657-1660 Bagnères de luchon
1661-1662 Hourquette d'Arreau between Bagnères de Luchon & Bagnères

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