(seq. 2)



Status: Complete

to throw it away —

It has afforded me sincere pleasure to hear that
Dr. Muhlenberg has published a botanical work, of which
I am told the reviews speak in the highest terms — an
American botany, a desideratum a long time general, will
be almost a versing to a botanic tyro in our country
and from the Drs acknowledged talents and acquirenements
it will pave the way to future students in the science —
The descriptions of our native plants in Linneus are
so imperfect and many so erroneous that it is an
insurmountable obstacle to our progress, as we never
can be certain of our plants — I look forward to the
profession of Dr. M's work with the most satisfaction.

With my respectful compliments to Mrs. Elliott &
your family.

I remain with great esteem
Your's etc. etc.
James Jackson

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