Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Letter from John Abbot to Stephen Elliott, 1817 August 3. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Correspondence from Bulloch County, Georgia, scientific illustrator and entomologist John Abbot (1751-1840) to Elliott concerning drawings he offered to send to Elliott or the Charleston Library Society, dated August 3, 1817. Includes a twentieth century typescript.


(seq. 1)
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(seq. 1)

Savannah 3d. Aug. 1817.

Dear Sir

I have expected some time a return of the box. I have an Intention shortly to move into the Country. It will therefore be best to send them to You, before I move. Should be glad to know if you want any more Drawings before I enter into any other engagement. Or if the Charlestown Library would take them, as I have now 104 finished for a 2d Vol. If you take any more please to send me the Numbers of each in the Corner, that I may not mistake in sending what you have already got and that I may send the Notes to each, to Illustrate the history of each Insect. I conclude with my respectful esteem. And remain dear Sir

Your hble. Servt {humble Servant} John Abbot Sendr.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 2)
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(seq. 2)

3d Aug 1817

Jn Abbot

4 3/4 319 .05

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 3)
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(seq. 3)

Savannah, 3. Aug. 1817

Dear Sir

I have expected some time a return of the box, I have an Intention shortly to move into the Country. It will therefore be best to send them to you, before I move. Should be glad to know if you want any more Drawings, before I enter into any other engagement. Or if the Charleston Library should take them, as I have now 104 finished for 2. vol. If you take any more please to send me the Numbers of each in the Corner, that I may not mistake in sending what you have already got, and that I amy send the Notes to each, to Illustrated the history of each insect. I conclude wiht my respectful esteemAnd remain dear Sir

Your hbel Servt John Abbot Sen

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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