Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Letter from John Pierce Brace to Stephen Elliot, 1827 June 4. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Correspondence from Litchfield, Connecticut, educator and writer John Pierce Brace (1793-1872), dated June 4, 1827, thanking Elliott for a box of plant specimens and expressing interest in receiving species of Hedysarum. He also includes a list of 50 species “scattered throughout your book that would be particularly valuable,” referring to Elliott’s A sketch of the botany of South-Carolina and Georgia. Brace notes he is sending Elliott a box of minerals, as well.


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4 June 1827 JP. Brace

Litchfield June 4 Conn

Stephen Elliott Charleston South Carolina

Litchfield June 4 1827 —

Dear Sir

Your secand very acceptable package of plants arrived in due time after being sent — I was exceedingly rejoiced at seeing many of the specimens which it contained, as they gave me an opportunity of examining several genera new to me. You then asked me to transmit you a list of the species. I wished; it would hardly be practicable as I have so few Southern plants — Continue to send me as you have done, & I shall be fully satisfied. I want much, however, to see your species of Hedysarum. I shall subjoin to this letter a list of 50 species scattered thro' your book that would be particularly valuable.

I have just dispatched to you, by the way of New Haven, a small box of minerals which I hope will reach you in safety —

I have had a species of Prinos from the neighbourhood of Augusta sent me, which is not in your book. It resembles the description of the P. montana of Jamaica — Yours with esteem John P. Brace

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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Thalia dealbata Tripterella capitala

Last edit almost 5 years ago by dcastronovo
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