(seq. 3)



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Bethlehem Sept 9th 1822

Stephen Elliott Esq. {Esquire}

Dear Sir

I feel very much ashamed that I have
not earlier acknowledged the receipt of your two kind letters, the first
of which was accompanied by a most welcome number of plants &
No. 7 of your invaluable work — & the last by No. 8 — Nothing could
have occassioned me to defer rendering you my most heartfelt thanks
except my anxious desire to be able to be of service to you concerning
the Syngensicus plants among the former — and I hoped from
week to week to find leisure to go into a more minute examination
I am sorry to be obliged to confess I have not yet succeeded
but canot defer any longer acknowleding the receipt of your
kind present. Luck has been & will continue for some time
the excess of official duties, that I have very rarely indeed been
able to devote an hour to Botany. Besides these plants
were most of them such as I need never before seen — & can
consequently scarce hope to give any useful opinion on them.

Before winter sets in, there is a prospect of a considerable
alleviation of the official burdens on my shoulders, which
promises me more time to study — & I most sincerely hope
then to be enabled to do you some service. You will do
me a particular favor to lay by for me any thing you may
be able to spare. The plants you send were in the highest
degree acceptable — but alas I am still lamentably deficient
in Southern plants — and I fear you are the only gentleman
there from whom I could hope, if your time was not so much
occupied to get more.

Accept dear Sir of my most sincere respects remaining

Lewis D. Schweinitz

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