Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Letter from Thomas Say to Stephen Elliott, 1822 August 18. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Correspondence from entomologist and conchologist Thomas Say (1787-1834), of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, dated August 18, 1822, regarding a box of shells Elliott had sent him, the content of which Say identifies in his letter. Say also includes a list of shells he is sending to Elliott.


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Philada. August 18th 1822

Dear Sir!

Your very acceptable letter with its accompaning box of shells were handed to me yesterday by our mutual friend Mr Vaughan, & I lose not time in assuring you of the very great pleasure I feel, in numbering you among the Chonochologists of our country, where the harvest is indeed abundant & the labourers are few!

I have descd. all the North American shells in my cabinet, or in those of my friends here, that appeared to me to be new, & the Academy of N.S. are now printing the essay, which however is by no means so extenstive as I had anticipated when the undertaking was commenced; so that it is highly probable that a great number of spe-cies remain yet undiscovered, for the acquisition of which, we must rely upon the researches of those naturalists who have leisure & opportunity, to seek them where they abound.

The following is a catalogue of the interesting species contained in the box, for which I beg you to accept of my sincere thanks, viz. —

No. 22, Crepidula fornicata? var. I am inclined to think the American specimens are specifically distinct from the European ones, but for the present they are published as the same, with the expression of doubt.

" 10, Paludina vivipara, of Authors. The American are certainly very similar tto the Europn. specimens.

" 9, Polyphemus glans. Journ. A.N.S. — It seems probable that our Polyphemus is in reality not the glans; but the stri-atus of Muller, whose description I have not the seen. I would gladly receive a few specimens with the animal living.

" 4, Helix tridentata? TS — As the specimen is imperfect I am not certain of its identity.

" 18, Nassa trivittata T.S. found as far north as New Jersey

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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No. 24, Crepidula plana, TS. inhabis as far North as Newjersey. " 25, — " — depressa, TS. (Young) " 28, Mactra lateralis TS. inhabits [hole?] far north as Newjersey. " 27, Lucina divaricata of Author [hole?] " 23, Crepidula convexa, TS — de — do — " 13, Scalaria lineata, TS " 19, Ranella caudata, TS — " 11, Scalaria clathrus of Authors. " 15, Nassa vibex TS — de — do — rare " 17, Columbella avaria TS. af far North as the Eastern shore of Maryl? " 20, Fusus cinereus, TS — do — as Newjersey — " 30, Corbula contracta TS. rare — " 26, Two species, viz. Tellina iris TS (with a rosy line); & Tellina polita TS (white or iridescent). " 29, Two species, viz. Amphidesma aequalis TS (the larger, of which there are two specimens), & Tellina flexuosa TS. (Young; the smaller specimens). More specimens of these two shells wd. be acceptable. " 21, Sigaretus haliotoideus of Authors. " 3, Helix thyroides, TS " 8, Paludina integra, TS. " 2, Physa heterostropha TS. " 5, Planorbis closely allied to trivolvis TS but the inspection of more specimens my prove it to be distinct. " 14, Melampus bidentatus, TS the smaller specimen. The larger reddish specimen is without doubt a distinct species, & one which I have never found on our coast. It is closely allied to a native of the W. Inds. Can you conveniently send more specimens of this latter shell. " 6, Bulimus This most interesting shell is entirely new to me, & is the first of the genus hitherto found in this country. It does indeed resemble the decollatus, but it is sufficiently distinct by its much more conical form. I think, on reflection, that this shell is figured by Lister, but I am not certain of this fact. Many specimens of it would be highly acceptable. " 16, Nassa This species is also new to me. I would be happy to receive a few speciemns. It is certainly, also, an inhabitant of the West Indies. " 12, Scalaria multistriata, TS I obtained two specimens on the coast of East Florida, much smaller, but evidently the same species.

No. 1, Lymneus New to me. A also avail myself of your generous offer, in requesting 2 or 3 more specimens of this. " 7, Melania This is also new to me. A few additions — al specimens would be very acceptable.

I have enclosed in the box a few shells which I hope you will receive safely with this letter, viz. No. 1, Polygyra auriculata TS. E. Florida " 2, — " — septemvolva TS de — " 3, Olig[y]ra orbiculata TS — do — I should think that this shell might be found near Charleston, if so, I would gladly receive a few specimens with the animal living. " 4, Melania virginica TS — Pennsylva. " 11, Pholas cuneiformis TS — Southern shores " 14, Turbo irroratus TS — do — do " 15, Nassa obsoleta TS Coast of the U.S. — " 16, Donax variabilis TS — Southern shores. " 5, Pupa cinera of Authors — Europe — " 6, Rostellaria pes-pelicani of Authors — do " 7, Helix vermiculata — do — do — " 8, — " — candidissima — do — do — " 9, — " — hortensis — do — do — " 10, — " — aspersa — do — do — " 12, Pupa secale — do — do — " 13, Planorbis rotundatus — do — do —

I shall thankfully receive any Terrestrial, fluviatie, or marine shells of the United States, which you main find convenient to send me & in the mean time I remain very respectfully Your Obedt Servt.

Thomas Say

NB. Is the Ampularia is ever found in your waters? I am informed that it is found in great plenty on St Johns river, E.F. near Lake George — I found an imperfect specimen of this fine shell in a small creek near the discharge of that river — When I was at Charleston Mr. L'Herminier presented me with a fine Planorbis which he assured me was an inhabitant of S. Carolina & near Charleston; I described it under the name of glabratus in the Journal A.N.S. p. 280. I have never seen but the one specimen, have you met with this species?

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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Mr Stephen Elliott Charleston South Carolina

with a small box

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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