Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Letter of William Swainson, 1825 February 10. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Unaddressed correspondence from English ornithologist William Swainson (1789-1855), dated February 10, 1825, containing a request for bird skins from America, for which he writes he will exchange British, Brazilian, or African skins. Swainson’s list is based on Alexander Wilson’s (1766-1813) American Ornithology.


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W. Swainson List of Birds List of Birds wanted by Mr Swainson

List of Americ[an] [bi]rds wanted, the names from Nelsons American Ornithology.

Falcons. Pigeon Hawk Mississippi Kite Rough legged Falcon Fish Hawk Night Hawk Sharp Shinned Hawk Slate coloured ditto Marsh do Red tailed do American Buzzard Ash coloured Hawk Black Hawk variety of ditto Red shouldered ditto Brown winged do Winter Falcon —— Owls. Great horned owl xxx Hawk owl. —— Shrikes Great American do Logger headed do. —— Titmouse Black cap Titmouse xx Crested — do —— Orioles Orchard oriole. male female & young bird. Baltimore do. —— Tanagers. Blue bird Summer red bird. m & f. Indigo bird. Painted finch Red Tanager m & female Louisiana Tanager

Sylvia Warblers. Maryland yellow throat House wren Winter — do Marsh — do Great Carolina do Yellow throated Warbler Bay breasted do chesnut sided do Mourning — do xx Blue winged Yellow to

Warblers contd. Golden winged yellow Warbler Blue Golden winged — warbler Green black throated do Yellow rumped — do Caerulian — do White eyed Fly catcher — Black & yellow warbler Blackburnian do male & female Autumnal do — do Prothonotary — do — do Worm eating — do — do Tennesse — do — do Kentucky — do — do Blue Green — do — do Natchville — do — do Blue yellow backed — do — do Yellow red pole — do — do Black pole — do — do Lesser red pole — do — do Connecticut — do — do xx Pine swamp — do — do Blue mountain do — do xx Hemlock — do — do Yellow rump — do — do Cape Mary — do — do Black breasted blue. do — do — — Flycatchers Yellow throated Flycatcher Red eyed — — do xx Great crested — do xx Small green crested do xx Pewe [Pewee] — do xx Wood pewe [pewee] — do Solitary — do Canada — do Warbling — do Small headed — do —— Finches Yellow bird or Goldfinch Black throated Bunting Purple Finch Towhe Bunting m & f Field sparrow Tree do Song — do Chirping do xx Swamp do

Finches contd. Snow bird female only American Siskin Rose breasted Grossbeak White throated Sparrow Savannah do Fox coloured do Yellow winged do White crowned buntling Bay winged do xx Sea Side finch Sharp tailed do Savannah do Purplefinch. young bd. Pine grosbeak Painted Bunting American cross bill White winged ditto. —— Woodpeckers Golden winged Woodpecker Red bellied — ditto Yellow — ditto Hairy — ditto Downy — do — Red cockaded do Lewis's — do Ivory billed — do Pileated — ditto —— Setta. nuthatch all the species —— Sea Birds Kildeer Plover Stormy Petrel Blue crane Little Egret Clapper Rail Virginian do American Avoset —— Thrushes — x Wood thrush — Red breasted ditto Brown ditto — Catbird ditto — Water — ditto — Hermit ditto Tawny — ditto — —— Swallows. White bellied Swallow Bank do Chimney — do

Last edit about 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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Various Land Birds xxx Ruffed Grous male & female xxx Pinnated Ditto. — do. Whip poor Will Chuck wills Widow. Brown lark Turtle Dove Ground do Passenger Pigeon Rail xxx Wood cock

Yellow breasted chat. Cedar bird Black & White creeper Clarkes Crow Canadian Jay Rusty Grakle male. female and young bird. Purple ditto .. do ... Carolina Parrot.

Mr Swainson, in return for well preserved skins of these birds, on any part thereof, will return an equal number of British, Brazilian or African skins, within two months after the same shall have been received, or will send in exchange copies of his works or otherwise

William Swainson Warwick England 10 February 1825.

W.S. care of Saml. Parker Esq {Esquire} Mather Parkes & Co Liverpool.

those marked with crosses are the species most wanted For the [strict?] fulfilment of the above. I should wish they may be Deposited, in the first instance, in the hands of a third person in England, a friend of the gentlman who may send them.

Last edit about 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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