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L. Collins 28. May 1815 announcing the death of D. Muhlenberg
Paid P 30 MY 3 1/2 Stephen Elliott Esq {Esquire} Charleston S. Carolina
Stephen Elliott, Esq {Esquire} Philada May 28. 1815
Dear Sir,
I feel incumbent on me the melancholy task of announcing to you, that your amiable & valued friend Muhlenberg is no more. As we both take pleasure in Botany, and both occasinally drew from his fountain; knowing too, how much he prized your cor-respondence, the present letter seemed to be a sort of duty —
On the morning of the 23rd inst. he was affected with symptoms of paralysis, which soon disappeard, leaving an unimpaired intellect, but great physical debility; thus he remained till evening when the paroxysm was repeated, which in a little while terminated his valuble life. To you who knew him eulogy were superfluous.
Suffer me to tender, late as it is, my thanks for your address to the Lit & Philosop. Society over which you preside which was [per?] [by?] me
(seq. 2)
with much attention and pleasure, and to offer my best wishes for the advancement of that Institution — Also my thanks for your repeated offers to send me any thing interesting from your quarter that I might wish to obtain — I feared to trouble you too much, as I am only a sort of desultory botanist, but availing myself of your kindness, I will now say, that as I only know the southern plants from books and a few cultivated in the gardens, if, whenever leisure or opportunity permit, say either in the fields or woods or among your dried specimens, there be any supernumeraries, a few just gathered or l put by for me, would be very acceptable The packet may be sent at any time likely to incommode you the least.
I have put by for you, 3 or 4 minerals which shall be sent to Charleston by the first vessel.
With respect & esteem truly yours Zaccheus Collins
If I know what would interest you I [will?] [try?] to pro- cure [?]
(seq. 3)
Philad May 28, 1815
Stephen Elliott, Esq. {Esquire}
Dear Sir,
I feel incumbent on me the melancholy of announcing to you, that your amiable & valued friend Muhlenberg is no more. As we both take pleasure in Botany, and both occasionally drew from his fountain; knowing too, how much he prized your correspondence, the present letter seems to be a sort of duty —
On the morning of the 23rd inst. he was affected with symptoms of Paralysis, which soon disappeared, leaving an unimpaired intellect, but great physical debility, thus he remained til evening when the paroxysm was repeated which in a little while terminated his valuable life. To you who knew him eulogy were superfluous.
Suffer me to tender, late as it is, my thanks for your address to the Lit & Philosop. Society over which you preside, which was per______me with much attention and pleasure and to offer my best wishes for the advancement of that Institution — also my thanks for your repeated offers to send me anything interesting from your quarter that I might wish to obtain. I feared to trouble you too much, as I am only a sort of desultory Botanist, but availing myself of your kindness, I will now say, that as I only know the southern plants from books and a few cultivated in the gardens, if, whenever leisure or opportunity permit, say either in the fields or woods or among your dries specimens, there my be any supernumeraries, a few just gathered put by for me, would be very acceptable. The packet may be sent at any time likely to incommode you the least.
I have put by for your 3 or 4 minerals which shall be sent to Charleston by the first vessel.
With respect & esteem truly yours Zaccheus Collins
If I knew what would interest you I would try to procure ____
(seq. 4)
The provisions with respect to poor children are that the several Colleges shall all take as many as offer not exceeding the number specified in each case and that they shall not to be obliged to keep any one Scholar more than two years yours B R Morgen Nov. 9th 1816 Zaccheus Collins Esq. {Esquire}
Bio & over 32,800 1811 Feb 16 Battle Academy 5 poor children 2000 Mar 20 Meadeville Academy 5 do. 1000 Mar 30 Chester Academy same as Gettysburg Acad in Adams Cy 2000 say 4 poor children do. Mercer Academy in Mercer Cy 5 poor children 2000 April 2 Williamsport Academy — 5 do. 2000 do. Eric Academy 500 Acres of Land & sundry town lots 1812 20 March Bedford Academy 6 poor children 2000 $43800
Donations of Land in the last purchase from the Indians 1786 Apl 28 5000 Acres to Trustees of Dickinson College at Carlisle May 11 5000 Acres to do. 1787 June 15 10000 Acres to Franklin College at Lancaster Dec 8 5000 Acres to Washington College 1788 Jany 21 5000 Acres to Pittsburg College 1789 Feb 14 10000 Acres to Protestant Episcopal Church Philad. March 26 5000 Acres to Ministers Trustees Elders & Deacons Philad. for free School for poor of said Congregation 1791 May 28 5000 Acres to Society for propagating the Gospel among the Heathen 1796 ao. po. Feby 5 53: 67 and 66:51 being two islands in Allegany River ao. po. ao. po. & 303:87 — 613:142 — 660:45 to born Planter an Indian Chief To the University of Pennsylvania to aid them in establishing a Botanic Garden $3000
(seq. 5)
1798 16 March Four thousand dollars to Bucks County Academy they to teach not more than 10 poor children gratis of so many offer — 4000 ↄ ↄ To Pittsburg Academy 5000 same provision as to 10 children 1799 March 1st To Yorktown Academy a building for a school & 2000 same provision as to ye children April 5 To Chambersburg Academy — 2000 [5?] poor children 1806 Jan 19 To Bellefonte Academy — — 2000 6 poor children 1807 Mar 19 To Wilksbarre Academy 2000 April 7 To Doylestown Academy in Bucks Cy 800 & authorized to save by lottery — — $3000 3 Poor Children 1808 Feb 14 To Union Academy Fayette County 200[0] 4 poor children Mar 28 To Northcumberland Academy 2000 1809 Apl 4 To Harrisburg Academy 1000 1810 Mar 7 To Greensburg Academy 2000 4 poor children Mar 19 To Somerset Academy 2000 To Gettysburg Academy 2000 4 poor children Mar 20 To Bedford Academy — 4 poor children 2000 To Carmichaelstown Academy bd — 2000 32800