Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Letters to James MacBride, 1816, undated. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Correspondence to physician and botanist James MacBride (1784-1817) of Princeville and Charleston, South Carolina, from A.W. Garden, J.W. Gilmer, and William W. Anderson regarding subscriptions to Stephen Elliot’s proposed A sketch of the botany of South-Carolina and Georgia, 1816 and undated.


(seq. 1)

(seq. 1)

Dear Sir,

The enclosed are all the subscribers I have been enabled to obtain to Mr Elliott's proposed publication.

You promised me when I was last in Charleston to subscribe for me. If you have not done so, I hope it will not be too late to do so now.

I am yrs respectfully A.W. Garden

Clarendon. 8th May 1816.

Last edit about 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 2)

(seq. 2)

Fulton So. Ca. {South Carolina} 20 May 19th 1816

Doct. {Doctor} James L. McBride Charlston So. Carolina {South Carolina}

Last edit about 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 3)

(seq. 3)

Winchester 11th. April 1816

Dear Sir.

I have deferred a reply to you obliging communication of Feby. with the hope of being able to return you a few more names for subscription to Dr. Elliotts Flora, which I am glad to hear will begin to appear in June. I hope that a Flora of so fine a country as Georgia and Carolina from so able a hand will contribute more to the propagation of a taste for our beautiful science, than it's predicssors have done, & that a demand for the publication will spread with its appearance; I need not aprise you of my earnest co-operation in distributing it thro' Virginia.

I have recently heard from Mr Correa of whom [you in-] -quire. His health has not been very good during the winter, but it is now becoming better. He promises me a visit in June, and thinks it probable he will re-cross the Atlantic during the sum-mer.

I thank you for the concern you take in my future pursuits, and promise you that however suspended my progress in science may be by the interfering duties of my profession, that my de-votion will continue, & my love will not die.

very respectfully your obliged & humb sert F.W. Gilmer

Last edit about 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 4)

(seq. 4)

11 of April 1816 Gilmer

[postmark] Winchester VA APR 12

Doctor James Macbride Charleston South Carolina


Last edit about 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 5)

(seq. 5)

Stateburg March 17th

Dear Sir,

I have just heard that Judge James Servant will set out for Charleston in the morning & being called off from home shall necessarily have to postpone some things, which I intended to speak of to you, until another opportunity. I had given the copy of the proposals which you sent me first, — to a friend in Camd[e]n before I received the last — There are s[ev]eral other gentlemen both in this neighbo[rh]ood & in Camden who will subscribe to Mr. Elliott's work whose names I will get & send you the list next month —

I have never as yet visited those situations near Manchester where the Kalmia grows so abundantly — The only species of this plant which I have met with are the latifolia & augustifolia — May it not be possible that the species which has been described to you may be the cuneata of Michaux — "corolla albida fundo

Last edit about 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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