(seq. 27)




Status: Complete

"fæminas, quibus in hac morbi specie (de Hydrope cystico) aut
"instituta paracentis fuerit, aut multa antihydropica reme-
"-dia exhibita, morbum brevi habuisse calamitosiorem, citi-
"-usque lethalem. - Interim bonum vitæ regimen nimiique,
"qui nocere posset, motus, nec non violentarum animæ pas-
"-sionum, solicita evitatio, diæta quoque salutaris, aërque
"salubris, conferent multum." (Vol. 3. p. 448)

Having thus adverted to the conduct of certain disorders,
I shall conclude this inquiry by the consideration of certain
remedies, with reference to the general treatment of diseases;
and, in the first instance, suggest some reasons for calling
in question the propriety of concentrating the virtues, & redu-
-cing the bulk of medicines in the manner which (has) more and
more prevailed of late years. It must be acknowledged in-
-deed to be a point gained by a sick man, if he can derive
from a pill, or a few drops of liquid, the same benefit, which
was formerly sought from large & nauseous draughts. But
in reasoning upon the animal body, we must take care that
we are not deceived by the specious conclusions of chemical
analysis. For it is very far from being a matter of indifference
in what manner the active parts of mineral, or vegetable,
substances are convey'd into the body. The same ingredients,
& in the same quantities, which in a diluted state are whole-
-some & friendly, may, when taken separately from their re-
-cipients, prove irritating & pernicious. Some late analysis of
wine may best be understood upon this principle; the spirit
capable of being elicited by distillation, producing effects very different
when taken alone, or in combination with the watery & mucilaginous
parts of wine, or still more effectually sheathed in the substance
of jelly.

Notes and Questions

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Quotation in top 7 lines (continued from page 25) possibly in Latin.


word on second line should be antihydropica. Paracentetis is misspelled. The rest translates readily from Latin to English,

"Women who have had this type of disease (cystic hydrops) or conventional paracentesis, or have exhibited many antihydropical remedies, have had a short-lived, more disastrous, and soon lethal disease. a careful avoidance, a wholesome diet, and a wholesome climate will contribute much.


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