(seq. 5)
The situation of the child in Utero is now supposd to
be this - head down to ye [?] one Ear to ye pubis & ye other
to ye sacrum with ye feet to ye Fundus Uteri - it back & belly
to ye Ilia - Cold does not seem to check critical eruptions
Putrid Fevers floodings & death have been occasioned by
retention of ye secundines - Floodings cease by a timely
removal of it - The Manual Extraction should not be attempted
whilst there are any spasmodick contractions across ye Uterus
Opiates remove the spasms - It is not safe to leave ye Woman
before it is extracted - Cold bathing not only prevents Mis-
carriages but much increases ye flow of a Nurses Milk
The Foetal Life should not be destroyd befor ye Animal
takes Place - Membrana decidua is vascular belongs
to ye Uterus often looks black on dissection
Brazilian Women have easy Labours, are very fruitful - they
retire & bring forth alone & return after washing themselves &
Child; The Husband's lying in bed the first 24 hours, being treated
as if yy endured the pains - Newhoffs Voyages p154 -
Nature has been 17 minutes extruding ye shoulders of ye child
after ye head had pass'd - & by yt means prevented After pains
Prolapsus Vaginae from too hasty extrusion of shoulders &
seldom from sitting up after delivery
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