(seq. 23)



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Apoplexy &

Cure First Bleed Then Inject Enema's cum Sal. Marine to
Stimulate the Intestines Apply Spt. Sal. Ammoniac. to the
Nares keep the patient almost upright Lay a Large Blister
to the Back Side of the Neck Scarify the hinder part
of the Head and cause it to bleed und excite pain in the Feet
Carry the patient backwards and forward across the Room
When the Patient can Sawllow give no Cordials. Emetics
force the Blood to the head. Griping purges have brought
on the Fitt. If he recovers let him bleed at Spring and
Fall Keep his Body open with Rheubarb and Salts and
Use Tea Constantly made with Baum, Betony, Sage
and the [Lessor?] Cardamom Seeds

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