(seq. 88)




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Febrile Infection

A Febrile Infection is a Communication of all kinds of
Fevers from one Person to another.

The ways of Communicating Fevers are too many to be
here enumerated
The Symptoms in general are Shiverings Vomitings
Violent Head Achs &c
Cure The Patient Should take a Vomit immediately
and Blisters should be applied. When there is a plethora
Bleed. If the Patient is Costive An Enema should be
Injected. After the Opperation of the Emetic & Enema
the patient should be put to bed and a Sweating and
Quieting Draught should be given with Sal. C. C.
gr. vj. and Tinct. Thebaic gut 18. qm. Camph. gr. v.
give this every 4th Hour with Draught of Vinegar Whey.

N. B. A Fever may be broken By a Vomit if 'tis taken
in Season.

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