(seq. 107)




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Fever Senegal

This Fever prevails in this Country in
the Months of July August & September
Diag. Drowsiness, Lassitude, Intense heat and
Sweats Shiverings &c
The Fever remits 3 or 4 Days during which Time
the pulse are quick and low.
Profuse Sweats are bad a parched dry Skin is
a bad Symptom
Some Times there is a Violent Pain in the Back
and difficulty breathing Sudden langours
and Billious Vomitings are Frequent through
a Great Part of the Time

Bleeding must be ommitted.

Endeavour to keep the Pulse up with the
Decoction of the Bark Camphorated Julep
Spt. Vit. these will answer without any
other Medicenes Except gentle Emetics

Camporated Julep.
Rx. Gm. Camph. dr. j. Sacch. alb. oz. ss. boiling
aq. [?] Rub. the Camph. in Rect. Spt. Vin.
then m. with the Sacch. add the aq. let it
stand 'till 'tis cold in a Covered Vessel
Strain: the Dose Chl. iij - v.
B. Introduction.

Fever Slow

Pulse are More Natural in the Morning
then in the Evening

Obstinate Intermitting [?] Continual
Fever Small Pox Measles Hemorrhages
long Diarrheas Dysenteries Excesive
Salivation Gonorrheas Fluor albus
Care hard Studdy hard and Continual
Labour immoderate Coition Spiritous
Liquors. When from Crudities
R. Ipecacuh. Gr. 8. Then Carry them
downwards by Neutral Salts to promote
Rx Terra Foliata Tartari Nit. Stibiatum
Sal. polych dr. j Occul. Canc. s. ss - dr. j
Tart. Vit. s. j dr. ij
These may be given alone or with half
the Quantity of Rhei.
Give it often in small doses
After Evacuations Give Analeptics and
R. Tinit. Cart. x Eleuther.
Tinct. Rad. Gentian.

If the Patient is Hipocondriac
Rx Tinct. Steel Gut. 11 - 80 Tinct. Martial
Flowers gut. 40 - 60. this & the Decoct of
Veal broth with Succory Fennel
Asparagus Dogs Grass Vipers Grass &c
Drink a Quart a Day.

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