(seq. 109)




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Fever from Crudities
in Slow hectic Fevers

When after other Diseases a Fever arises
from Crudities proceeding from a bad
digestion, and Crude Sluggish Juices of
the Prime Vie Consequent thereupon it
is known by a Languid Feebleness, internal
heat, Propensity to sweat, especially especially
in the Palms of the hands and Soles
of the Feet in this Case the stomach and
Parts adjacent must be cleansed from
the Sordes which is fuel for the fever: This
may be done by a gentle Vomit of Ipeca.
it may likewise be carried downwards by
Neutral Salts which will also help to promote Digestion
Such as Terra foliata Tartari, Nitrum stibiatum
Sal. Polych. a Solution of Crabs
Eyes. Tart. Vit. either alone or mixed
with half the Quantity of Rhei given
often but in small Doses
After the Alimentary Canal is
cleansed is Cleansed you must proceed
to Analeptics and Stomachics vor
which Tinct. Cort. Eleuth. Gentian. Rub

& Hypocondrium

When the Patient is Plethoric Cacochymical,
cachectical, scorbutical
or the Menses or Hemorrhoidal Evacuations
are stopped. and cause this Disease
or if it proceed from Voraciousness
or bad diet, or the abuse of Spiritous
Liquors, then endeavours must be
used to Free the Liver, Spleen and
Mysentery, and its Vessels and Glands
from Obstruction for this Purpose
Mineral Waters are proper as
Selters likewise Therme, or hot
Bath Waters.
But where these cannot be
had use a Decoction of Veal
Broth with the Roots of Succory.
Fennel, Asparagus, Dogs grass
Vipers Grass Drink a Quart of this
Decoct. every Day for some Weeks
taking before it some preparation
of Steel such as Tinct. Steel
with or tinct. Martial flowers.

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