(seq. 22)
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6 revisions | Ardilla at Apr 15, 2023 08:21 PM (seq. 22)Aneurisms or the Tumour or Rupture of the Coats of an Artery
The Diet Should be Slender and Balsamic the
Exercise Gentle
Bleed freely, if an Artery, be pricked and apply acetum Vit.
Roman &c.
An Astringent Cataplasm Empl. de Ran. cum Mercu.
Empl. defensiv. cum [Succis?]
A Plate of Lead Rubed over with Quick Silver and bound
on with a proper Bandage in proper. Shaw. Aneurisms or the Tumour or Rupture of the Coats of an Artery The Diet Should be Slender and Balsamic the (seq. 22)Aneurisms or the Tumour or Rupture of the Coats of an Artery
The Diet Should be Slender and Balsamic the
Exercise Gentle
Bleed freely, if an Artery, be pricked and apply acetum Vit.
Roman &c.
An Astringent Cataplasm Empl. de Ran. cum Mercu.
Empl. defensiv. cum [Succis?]
A Plate of Lead Rubed over with Quick Silver and bound
on with a proper Bandage in proper. Shaw. Aneurisms or the Tumour or Rupture of the Coats of an Artery The Diet Should be Slender and Balsamic the |