(seq. 148)


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38 revisions
Ardilla at Apr 12, 2023 12:12 PM

(seq. 148)

Phthsie Cons. Ros. Antihect. Decoct. Vulner. Decoct. Pectoral. Infus. Pect. Bolus Bals. Elect. Julep. Ammon. Squill Julep Bals. Lamb. Pect. Pills Tar. Pills Squill Pills Lime Water comp. simp. Tar Water Emetics Elix Vit. Blistering Pl. Phora These are a sort of a Pimple that appears on patients of a Scorbutic and Cacochymic habit. For their cure see other Cutaneous erruption Pulse The Motion of the Pulse are four Kinds viz. Great, Little, Quick, Slow, from whence arise the other Motions as Violent Weak &c The Pulse are said to be hard or soft at some times but this Respects the Artery not the Motion of them See B. Introd. P. 80. Putrifaction See Pterygium Rheumatism Bleeding and Cleansing the Prime Vie is of great service. Decoct. Rad. Bard. Seneke Wood Tamarind. Anti Scorbut Juices Diet Drink against Scurvy Diaphoret. Julep. Bolus Guaiac. Sapo alb. Squill Pills Sem. Sinap. Ol. Terebenth. Ethiops Min. Cinnab. Antim. Merc. Pills. Externals Cataplasm Emolliens Bals. Anod. Bals Turpintine Saponaceous Bals. Camph. Ol. Liniment anodyn Anodyne Plaster Saponaceous Plaster Warm Plaisters Blistering Plaisters.


Cons. Ros.
Antihect. Decoct.
Vulner. Decoct.
Pectoral. Infus.
Pect. Bolus
Bals. Elect.
Julep. Ammon.
Squill Julep
Bals. Lamb.
Pect. Pills
Tar. Pills
Squill Pills
Lime Water comp. simp.
Tar Water
Elix Vit.
Blistering Pl.


These are a sort
of a Pimple that
appears on patients
of a Scorbutic and
For their cure
see other Cutaneous


The Motion of
the Pulse are four
Kinds viz.
Great, Little,
Quick, Slow,
from whence
arise the other
Motions as Violent
Weak &c
The Pulse are said
to be hard or soft
at some times
but this Respects
the Artery not
the Motion of them
See B. Introd. P. 80.

See Pterygium


Bleeding and Cleansing
the Prime Vie is of great

Decoct. Rad. Bard.
Anti Scorbut Juices
Diet Drink against Scurvy
Diaphoret. Julep.
Bolus Guaiac.
Sapo alb.
Squill Pills
Sem. Sinap.
Ol. Terebenth.
Ethiops Min.
Cinnab. Antim.
Merc. Pills.
Cataplasm Emolliens
Bals. Anod.
Bals Turpintine
Saponaceous Bals.
Camph. Ol.
Liniment anodyn
Anodyne Plaster
Saponaceous Plaster
Warm Plaisters
Blistering Plaisters.

(seq. 148)

Phthsie Cons. Ros. Antihect. Decoct. Vulner. Decoct. Pectoral. Infus. Pect. Bolus Bals. Elect. Julep. Ammon. Squill Julep Bals. Lamb. Pect. Pills Tar. Pills Squill Pills Lime Water comp. simp. Tar Water Emetics Elix Vit. Blistering Pl. Phora These are a sort of a Pimple that appears on patients of a Scorbutic and Cacochymic habit. For their cure see other Cutaneous erruption Pulse The Motion of the Pulse are four Kinds viz. Great, Little, Quick, Slow, from whence arise the other Motions as Violent Weak &c The Pulse are said to be hard or soft at some times but this Respects the Artery not the Motion of them See B. Introd. P. 80. Putrifaction See Pterygium Rheumatism Bleeding and Cleansing the Prime Vie is of great service. Decoct. Rad. Bard. Seneke Wood Tamarind. Anti Scorbut Juices Diet Drink against Scurvy Diaphoret. Julep. Bolus Guaiac. Sapo alb. Squill Pills Sem. Sinap. Ol. Terebenth. Ethiops Min. Cinnab. Antim. Merc. Pills. Externals Cataplasm Emolliens Bals. Anod. Bals Turpintine Saponaceous Bals. Camph. Ol.


Cons. Ros.
Antihect. Decoct.
Vulner. Decoct.
Pectoral. Infus.
Pect. Bolus
Bals. Elect.
Julep. Ammon.
Squill Julep
Bals. Lamb.
Pect. Pills
Tar. Pills
Squill Pills
Lime Water comp. simp.
Tar Water
Elix Vit.
Blistering Pl.


These are a sort
of a Pimple that
appears on patients
of a Scorbutic and
For their cure
see other Cutaneous


The Motion of
the Pulse are four
Kinds viz.
Great, Little,
Quick, Slow,
from whence
arise the other
Motions as Violent
Weak &c
The Pulse are said
to be hard or soft
at some times
but this Respects
the Artery not
the Motion of them
See B. Introd. P. 80.

See Pterygium


Bleeding and Cleansing
the Prime Vie is of great

Decoct. Rad. Bard.
Anti Scorbut Juices
Diet Drink against Scurvy
Diaphoret. Julep.
Bolus Guaiac.
Sapo alb.
Squill Pills
Sem. Sinap.
Ol. Terebenth.
Ethiops Min.
Cinnab. Antim.
Merc. Pills.
Cataplasm Emolliens
Bals. Anod.
Bals Turpintine
Saponaceous Bals.
Camph. Ol.