Stearns, Samuel, 1747-1809. Medical notebook of Samuel Stearns, circa 1773. H MS b1.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Notebook containing descriptions of various diseases and medical conditions and recommended treatments collected by New England physician Samuel Stearns (1747-1809) in circa 1773. There are entries in alphabetical order including instructions on preventing abortion (miscarriage), setting fractures, and for treating melancholy, taken sometimes from the published works of other physicians, such as Richard Brookes (1721-1763), whose prescription for cancer Stearns transcribed. The notebook is dated 1773 and may have been intended for publication as part of a medical dispensatory Stearns was attempting to compile, beginning in 1772. As part of his efforts, Stearns traveled to hear medical lectures in North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The volume bears the locations including London, England; Québec, Canada; and Pembroke, New Hampshire, on the title page and flyleaf.


(seq. 51)

(seq. 51)

Catalepsy Catochies or Catoche.

The Catalepsis is also called Catochus & Catoche They who are affected with it are in a Moment Rendred as immovable as a Statue without Sense and without Motion. and Continue in the Same Posture they were in the first Moment they were Seized. This is a kind of a Trance as the Patient after his Recovery often tells of Seeing & hearing Wonderfull things as Tragical Sights Divine Visions Conversing with Angles &c.

It is often Cured by exciting large Hemorrhages from the Nose; The method of cure is Various according to the Different Causes, the Patient should be excited with things that greatly Strike the Senses Such as Light, Noise Stimulating Things, Volatile Salts, Pain Frictions continual Agitations by causing a hemorrhage at the Nose by promoting the hemorrhoidal or Menstrual Flux by Sternutatories and Emetics; by Blisters By [?] by [Setons?] by a moistening Diet

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 52)

(seq. 52)


This is an Obstruction of the Pupil, by the Interposition of Some Opake Substance which deminishes or Extinguisheth the Sight: Some are thicker than others; some are white, black, Citron Coulered, or brownish. It is always contained between the Uvea Slerotica where it Sometimes Swims and Fluctuates like a Bit of [?] in the aqueous humours and sometimes it adheres Close to the Coats. It is generally an Opacity of the crystaline Humour. Cure. Give Merc. dulc. gr. ij. cum Chele. Canc. ppt. dr. jv. m. give this once a Day for 30 Days. give the above in Cons. Ros.

and Catarrh of the Nose called Coryza & Common Catarrh

This is too great a Moisture of the Nose, by a thin Sharp Serum, which Gradually becomes thick and some Times Coulored

To Stop the irritation Ol. Anis. is proper If the Nostrils are Red & pained mix it with Barley flour Externally apply Camph. in Ol. Amygd. d. The Smell of Rasped horns is good and Vapours of gm. Anime Reed into the Mouth also Vapours of Amber Frankinscense Mastic and Benjamins If the Nostrils are Obstructed the Vapour of Vinegar upon hot Iron will be profitable

F. Catarrh Flor. Sulph. Bals. Sulph. Cons. Ros. Anti [hestric?]. Decoct. Bals. Elect. oily Emulsion. Pete. Infus. bitter Infus. with Sene, Opiates, blistering Plaster.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 53)

(seq. 53)


These are Superfluous Callous Eating Ulcers Occasioned by the Veneral Poisen Lodged in Various Parts in or about the Pudenda. Cure Rx. Argent. Viv. & Terebenth Just enough to kill it. Anoint therewith Or Disolve dr. j Merc. Corr. in oz. j. of Rum or Brandy and dip an armed Probe or hair Pencil in the liquor and touch the Chancres with it.

Chicken or Swine Pox

'tis Supposed that the Chicken and Swine Pox are both one The Principle Marks by which the Chicken Pox may be known from the small Pox are first the appearance on the 2d or 3d Day from the Erruption of that Vesicle full of Serum upon the Top of the Pock Secondly the Crust that Covers the top on the fifth Day at which time those of the Small Pox are not at the Height of their Suppuration.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 54)

(seq. 54)

Child Birth

After the Child is born and the Secundines are taken away Apply a Warm Linning Cloth to the parts an hour after give Ol. amygd. d. to ease the after Pains. and let a Cataplasm of Ol. amygd. d. boiled with 2 or 3 New laid eggs be laid to the Parts renewing it every 6 hours 15 Days after the parts may be bathed with Decoct. Ros. Rub. Balanthines, Nut galls in Vin. Rubr. in order to [?] them. If the labour be long and difficult it will be proper to bleed in order to prevent Inflamation, and to Give a little Alicant Wine with Aq. Cin. Conf. Alkem. Exhibiting an Oily Glyster.

Chaps in ye Hands

Ung. alb. Ceratum album.

Ung. Album. Rx. Ol. oliv. Pt. j. Cera alb. oz. jv. Sperm. Cit. oz. iij. melt them over a gentle fire and keep them Stirring.

Ceratum Album Rx. Ol. oliv. 1/4 Pt. Cera alb. oz. jv. Sperm. Cit. oz. ss. melt and proceed as above

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 55)

(seq. 55)

Childrens Diseases

These are Various which you may see under other Heads.

Chlorosis or Green Sickness

Proceed as in the Cachexy which See

Catching Cold

Keep warm and take warm Sack Whey with a Few Drops of Spts. C. C. &c. At Night & Morning Exhibit ye following Rx. Pulv. Chel. Canc. C. The Regimen should be Spoon Meats Puddings, Chickens, &c. Every thing should be Taken warm Gentle Diaphorets may be given as in a Small Fever If any Cough or Spitting Remains give Sugar Candy with Ol. amygd. d. or a solution of gm Ammoniac in oz. j. of aq. Hordei to make the Expectoration easy when the patient goes into the Air let him be well Clothed.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 51 - 55 of 171 in total