(seq. 71)
Let ye patient wear easy shoes.
Parc the Corns and anoint them with Ol. Serpent. Rattle Empl. deram. or Empl. de Mucilaginib. Diacetyl. Simp. aa oz. ij. Camph. erugin aa oz. ss. Cinnab. Fact. argent. viv. cum Pauca terebenth. extinct. aa dr. jm. f. Empl. S. a. Sh.
Bleed. Rx. Sallad Ol. oz. ijs aq. Font. oz. vj. Spt. C. C. gut. jx. Syr. Pectoral. oz. j. m. Chi. iij. every 4th hour
When a Cough has become old Oily medicines must not be used In Old Coughs bleed and give dr. ss ye following pills twice a Day. Rx Sapo. Alicant oz. j. gm. Ammon ppt. Hog lice Squil recent. aa oz. ss Bals. Cap. q. s.
General Bals.
Bals. Sulph. Anis.
Bals. Locatell
Bals. Elect.
in Sharp Defluctions Sperm Cit. Ol. amygd d. Glychariz.
[Cough] dry
Lay a Blister to the Neck and to the Arms Barley Liquorice Ras. C. C. Vipers [Gress?] Ol. Amygd. d.
Rx. Ol. Amyg d. Syr Capit. Ven. aa oz. j Sperm Cit dr. iij. Croc. gr. xv. M. F. Exlegma.
[Cough] moist
Keep the Body open with Manna & foliata Terra Tartari. Ol. Anis. Mixed thus Rx. Man. oz. ij. Terr. fol. Tart. dr. ij. Ol. Anis. gutt. 10. If the pat. cant take Laxatives Enemas must be used. To send the Serous humours from the Breast hot pectoral Infusions may be used Mallows, Violets Hyssop, Salvie Fenicul. Anis. Cinnam. Testat. powders Calx. Antimo Cinnabar. Ol. Nucis Mosch Croci Flor Sulph may be added. when Erruptions are [Daove?] in.
[Cough] hooping
If there is a plethora bleed then give an Emetic Oxymel. Seclit. or the Infus. of the Decoct. Ipecacuhan
Then give Rhei cum Calomel or Merc. Alkalizatus Cort. peru. Merc. dulc. Joined to Stomachics are proper A Difficulty of Breathing may be Relieved by a Solution of qm Ammoniac or an Depression of Mellepedes in Vinum album. Elix Parragoric is good if it is taken in Diacodium If a Sharp humour distils into the Larynx or Lungs it must be diverted with Blisters
(seq. 72)
Crackling of the Bones called Strepitus Ossum
Alter the Patient Diet and avoid Salt Meats of all kinds.
These are watery bladders upon or about the neck of the Penis. Anodyne Emollient Fomentations. Mercurial Cathartic and Cataplasms or a Solut. Merc. Cros. Sublimat. cum Sacch. Saturn.
(seq. 73)
Crusta Lactea or Childrens Sore Heads
When the Face is infected e Disease is called Crusta Lactea Cure Internally apply in the Morning Alexipharmics & the [Testacious?] Powders with the Calx of Antimony Amber & Cinnaber in the Afternoon Rx pulv. Chele. Cancr. Simp. dr. j. Occul. Canc. ppt. s. ij. Cochinel. gr. vj. M. F. pulv. tennissimus in jx. Chartulas dividendus; Capiat unam in Cochl. j Julep Sequent. Rx Aq. Puleg. Alexiter Simp. aa oz. iij Syr Cariyoph. oz. j. m. Externally apply Fresh Butter Calves Marrow or Ol. of Cream which are Sufficient for External use If the Case should prove Obstinate then let the Childs Nurse Observe a Strict Regimen with Sweetners of the Blood & purgatives now & then.
Cynic Spasm or Convulsion of the Muscles of the Mouth
This proceeds from Vegetable Poisen Expell them immediately by an Emetic Then give generous Wine with Ginger & Pepper apply or Exhibit them warm. When it proceeds from other Causes it must be Treated with antispasmodics & Nervous Medicines Rx. Betony Bayberries ppt cum Ol. Succin. pro Empl. Apply it to the Temples and behind the Ears. Reduce the Face to its former Position by a proper Bandage Then apply the following Linement with Internal Remidies Rx. Sapo Venet. dr. ij. Camph. s. ij Ol. Mace. per Express. aq. Regin. aa dr. ss Spir. Sal. Ammo. Gutt. 30 Ol Junip. Gut. Xj. Ol. Castor dr. j [?] M. F. linement.
(seq. 74)
Anoint the part with the Saliva of a young person Or Anoint the part with Spt. Vin. or Lavend. or Aq. Hung. When the patient is plethoric or when hemorrhages has been Stopped bleed Ol. Succin. Rute. Anthos, Salvie Mineral Waters Temperate Baths Regular Diet Nerve Ointment Ung. De alth. &c may be applied to advantage.
Rx. Salvi. Flore. Anthos pro Decoct. add aa aq. Font. Vin. alb. pro Inject. Rx. Bruised Ants Eggs with the Juice of Onions pro Inject. Some use a Salivation Rx Musk amber. q. s. m. put this into the Ears with Cotton Wool. When Deafness is caused by a Slackness of the Audatory Nerve Use Cephalics & Sudorifics Rx aq. hung. Spt Lavend C. aa droped warm into the Ear Rx Gall. of an Eal m. cum Spt. Vin. & other [?] of Sulphur Conveyed to the Ear with a Funnel or Pipe.
Defects e Motion
Motion may be hurt Several ways in the Human Body and may be either Increased diminished, depraved or involuntarry and the Cause may be either in the blood and Spirits or in the Solid Parts. Preternatural Motions may be Convulsions Epiplepsies and the like and may proceed from any thing that Irritates as the Blood and Humours being Faulty Preter Natural Salts Teeths breaking out. Points of the Bones when they happen to prick &c From all which if the Fibers or Nervous parts of the Body are affected rudely and Irretated The Spirits likewise are Violently disturbed, and the Solid Parts are inordinatly moved according to their Situation and diversily thus the Spirits rushing into the Musculous parts produce Spasms Convulsions the Epiplepsy Vomiting a Diarrhea Palsy periapismus &c. If the Quant. of Blood be too much or if it be too thick there arises a palpatation of the Heart dificculty of Breathing a Suffocation and cheifly an Uterine Suffocation commonly called the hysteric [Passon?]
(seq. 75)
Dentition or breeding Teeth
Aq. Mixtures Temperating Powders, Externally Ol. Amygd. d. Syr Violets cum Spt. Vit. Rubb the gums with with this and apply Coral to the gums also If the Child is Pained give Opiates. and open the Body with Cathartics and Enemas
Cure. Aq. Calcis. Simp. Aq. Calcis. Comp. Decoct. Antihecticum. Emulsion Arabicum. Lac. Chalybeatum. Elix. Vit. Elix Spt. Vit. dulcified. Tinct. Ros. Antphthisic Tinct. Pulv. Stypticus. Styptic Elect. è ye Bark. Emetics Gentle Cathartics &c. Aq. Calcis Simplex. Rx. Calcis viv. lb. j. Aq. Font. Cong. j. pour on the Water by degrees when 'tis settled strain 3 pints a Day for the [store?]. Aq. Calcis Composita Rx. Liquorice oz. j. Cort. Sassafras oz. ss Simp. [Linea?] Water Qts iij. Steep them for 2 Days without heat then strain Give oz. jv. 4 Times in a Day.