(seq. 76)
Diarrhea Common
The Pulse are depressed. Regim. Decoct. alb. in Barley Broth Rice, Milk or gruel. Cure. When sharp fermenting Juices in the Prime Vie are the Cause then Exhibit the following Cathartic. Rx. Rhei. Elect. dr. ss. Cinnamon pulv. gr. 12 m. Capiat. Mane cum Regimen in any Convenient Liquor Or, Rx. Tinct. Rhei. Vinos. Coch. jv. Syr. Ros. Solut. oz. j. M. F. Haustus. at Night give aq. Cin Chl. ij cum gut 15 Tinct. Thebaic. Repeat the Rhei till the looseness abates If it Continues Obistinate Give Large Doses of Rhei thus with Astringents Rx. Rhei. pulv. dr. ss. cum q. s. Elect. è scordia. M. F. Bolus addendo. Ol. Cinnam. gutt ij.
Billious, Obstinate
Cure let the Patient drink freely of Broths Give Rhei Cum Sal. Nit. If the Patient is Feverish bleed then give an Emetic of Ipeacc afterwards Rhei and last of all Astringents
(seq. 77)
Dropsy è Uterus Dropsy See Anasarca.
This is confined to the Region of the Uterus and is prominent, circumscribed and round. The Vagina and Os Uteri are soft and relaxed also the Neck of the Uterus bears downward When the Dropsy is in the Abdomen the whole Abdomen is equally Swelled. If a Woman is pregnant the head of the Child will make a sensible Elevation near the Umbilica and the rest of the Uterus will be perfectly spherical and the Breasts will be soft and flabby. In the 3rd & 4th Months of Pregnancy the Motion of the Fetus puts the Matter out of doubt.
Cure this Dropsy is often attended with a Slow Fever and is followed with an Universal Dropsy. Leukophlegmatia, Marasmus &c. A Cannula should be introduced into the Os Uteri, Or Violent Shocks, hard Riding Emetics Cathartics & Injections are proper Rx. Rad. Asarum dr. iij. Sem. Sabin. dr. j. Calaminth Sem. Cumin. P. j. M. F. Decoct zv. pro Injectione If a little Water destils Repeat this often or A Pessary of pulv. Colocynth. dr. j. Sal. Nit. dr. ss - [Mecoachan?] dr. j. boiled in honey. Or Fumigations of the same things with Pulv. Nucis Moschat. See Drunkness
When a Man or Woman is dead Drunk a sponge dipped in Vinegar should be applied to their Nose Blood letting & Vomiting A Solutive Glyster is good Put the feet into Cold Water
Dropsy of the Uterus Tinct. Jalap. and Florentine Orris as an Hydragogue dr. iij. dr. vj. pro. dos. Aperient Broths are good. with Mellep. Sal. Glaub. Arcan. Duplicat. &c. Borax 15 grains pro Deobstruent Decoct. Woods are good Semicupium Baths are proper made of Brion. Cumin. Sylv. Bacc. Lauri. Junip Flor. Agrimo. Flower Ebul. the Cannula is the speediest and best Cure.
(seq. 78)
First Bleed. Then give an Emetic è Ipecacuanha with gr ij Emet. Tart. to turn it Downwards. 3 or 4 or 5 grains of the Ipec. may be given every 6th or 8th hour. after the opperation of the Emetic which will perfect the Cure but it will make the Patient Sick it may be once more or oftener after a Days Intermission. Or after the Vomit Give to s. j Or dr. j of the Pulv. of Rhei this may be repeated every Day if the Patients Strength will bear it to Correct the humours add gr. v. of Calomel to the Rhei. to [allay?] the Pain Foment the Belly and give Camomile tea give the following Enema after every Stool. Rx. Starch dr. jss Aq. Font. calid oz. jv. Venice Treacle dr. ij. pro Enema Give no Opiates 'till the Patient is Vomited and Purged When they are Proper give the following Rx. Aq. Cin. Simp. oz. viij. Spiritous Cin. Water oz. j. Pulv. Bole with Opii. dr. j. m. give a Spoonfull or two when the Rhei is omitted or gr. viij or X. of Saponaceous Pills may be given at Night after its Opperation. The Cerated Glass of Antimony is a Powerfull Remidy in this Disease. gr iij - g in Cons. Rose Rub. Decoct Elm Bark Mutton Broth is proper und ought to be Drank freely. Rx. Sacch. alb. Mutton Tallow Babery Wax boiled together in Scum Milk is exzellent. Nucis Moschat. Mace &c
(seq. 79)
Dysury See Nephrities
Delivery to promote.
Ol. Cin. Gut. j. Cast. s. ss ad dr. ss Borax. s. j. Ol. succin. gut. ij. ad xx. Croci. gr. v. ad s. j. Cinnam. s. j. ad dr. ss
Pulv. ad Partum Rx. Borax. oz. ss. Cast. Croci aa dr. jss. m. add. Ol. Cin. gut. viij. Ol. Succin. gut. vj. s. j. ad dr. ss. pro dos. This is very usefull to Raise the Spirits of Women and asist their throws
(seq. 80)
Ear - Ach
The Ear Ach ja a grievous Pain in the Meatus Auditorious or Cavity of the Ears, proceeding from extravasated Serum affecting the Nervous Membrane which lines the Meatus Auditorious. Cure If ye Patient has Caught Cold and the Pain is Violent hold the Ear over a Jugg filled with a hot Decoct. Cham. flowers If Suppuration is necessary apply a Poultice of White Bread and Milk or Roasted Onions.
Tinct. Thebaic is good to ease the Pain Nit. Cinnab. Camph Spt. Vin. Ol. Amygd. d. is good also Mallows, Mullein, Elder, Mellilot Camomile Linseed Saffron are all Proper for Decoctions or fomentations Gentle Laxatives Blisters, Cupping and Scarifications in the Neck are proper to Divert the Humors Downward and also the Pediluvia.