Stearns, Samuel, 1747-1809. Medical notebook of Samuel Stearns, circa 1773. H MS b1.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Notebook containing descriptions of various diseases and medical conditions and recommended treatments collected by New England physician Samuel Stearns (1747-1809) in circa 1773. There are entries in alphabetical order including instructions on preventing abortion (miscarriage), setting fractures, and for treating melancholy, taken sometimes from the published works of other physicians, such as Richard Brookes (1721-1763), whose prescription for cancer Stearns transcribed. The notebook is dated 1773 and may have been intended for publication as part of a medical dispensatory Stearns was attempting to compile, beginning in 1772. As part of his efforts, Stearns traveled to hear medical lectures in North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The volume bears the locations including London, England; Québec, Canada; and Pembroke, New Hampshire, on the title page and flyleaf.


(seq. 91)
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(seq. 91)

Fever Burning

Pulse Violent. Tongue Dry, Yellow, black, parched and rough.

Diagnostics The patient has a remarkable burning heat about the Vital parts but 'tis moderate towards the Extremities which are sometimes Cold. the Breath is extremely hot; there is a Dapness of the of the whole Skin, Nostrils, Mouth, and Tongue, the breathing is thick difficult and Quick. The tongue is Dry and Yellow & black, parched and Rough The Thirst is unquinchable; There is a loathing of Food Nausea and Vomitings, an Anxiety, Inquietude, and great Lassitude; little Cough, shrill Voice, Delirium, a Phrensy a Continual watching or Coma, Convulsions; and on the Odd Days an exercerbation of the Fever.

The air should be Cool and Frequently Renewed. The patient must not be over Loaded with Bed Cloths he must set up often

Regimen. Oatmeal, Barley and Subacid Fruits If the Patient is plethoric Bleed.

Laxative Soft, diluting, antiphlogistic, Cooling Glysters ought to be Repeated Moisten the whole body with Steams of Warm water. wash the Mouth with the Same & wett the Feet, hands and throat with the same also. Rx. Seri. Lacti. Qt. j. Nit. dr. ss. mix Let the patient Drink of this Freely. Wash the Mouth and throat with Syr. Mulberries and [?] If there is an Anginous Inflamation Swallow the following Linetus. Rx. Julep. Rosar. oz. j. Nit. gr Xv. Camph. gr iij. of amygd. d. dr. j. Solut. M. F. Linet. Give no purgatives before the Crises except Enemas. After the Crises ye following Tamar. Man. Rhei. Raisens. Cream Tart.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 92)
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(seq. 92)

Fever Camp

The first complaints of this Fever are gentle Horrers, and little Feverish heats alternately succeding each other with loss of Appetite the Disorder being greatest at Night, the Body is hot the Sleep interrupted and not refreshing. They have Constantly some Pain and Confusion in the Head, Cheifly about the forehead. The Pulse at first but little quicker then the Natural and the Draught if any is Considerable. They are too ill to mind Busisness and to well to be Confined. In this State a Change of Air, with a Vomit and Sweat will perform a Cure. Yet a large Bleeding will sink the Pulse and Bring on a Delirium. If the Fevers seats Cure it as the Malignant Spotted Fever

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 93)
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(seq. 93)

Fever Catarrhal, or continual quotidian of the Antients

Pulse Fuller and Quicker in the Evening. This begins in the Evening with a Chilliness and Shiverings and coldness of the extreme Parts especially of the Feet and Soles of the Feet. a Costiveness a frequent Desire of Making Water, but the Urine is Small in Quantity, a weakness of the Head and an Universal Languor of the whole Body; A false Appetite, Thirst and Deficulty of Swallowing, a Stimulus in the Larynx, a Heat in the Nostrils and Fauces attended with Sneezing; a Weight in the Breast, Towards Night heat and a quicker Fuller Pulse, with a Defluction of the Rheum a Heat in the Fauces, unquiet Sleep a Sweating in the Morning, a Heaviness and Dulness of the whole Body a Loss of Appetite

The Intentions of Cure are first to Sheath the Acrimony of the Lympha 2dly to Increase Parspiration. 3dly to promote the Expectoration of the Viscid Mucus.

To promote a Diaphoresis Rx. Pulv. Cont. C. s. j. Serpt. Virg. Croc. aa gr. v. M. F. Pulv. Repeat this in 4 or 6 hours.

To appease the Cough. Rx. Ol. Oliv. oz. jss. Aq. Font. oz. vj. Spir. C. C. gut jx. Syr. Peet. oz. j. M. Cap. Cochl. jv. Quarta Quarque Hora. At Night give gr. vj. of the Storax Pills unless the Head is weak then they must be avoided

To promote Perspiration Rx. Fol. Veronica (Male Speedwell) Hyssop. Rad. Glych. Flores Samb. Wild popies Fennel Seeds. As also the more fixed Diaphoretic powder, with Antispasmodic Waters; but especially Bodily Motion and exercise

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 94)
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(seq. 94)

Fever Continual or Synochus

Pulse Full, great, Quick Tongue Dry black

Diagnostics. This is called a simple and by some a Putrid Fever The simple is caused by a Congestion of the [Good?] Blood in improper places. But when it attacks Persons full of impure Juices who have been Weakned by a preceding Disease the Symptoms will be more worse grievous and the Disease will Continue till the 14th Day if not till the 21st. Sometimes there will be dusky or black Spots with immediate Danger for further Description see Ascites

The intentions of Cure are [sst?] To free the Vital parts from too great a Congestion of Blood, which will either disperse a slight Inflamation, or prevent a great one 2dly to appease the [exestution?] of the Blood and the Spastic affection of the System of the Nerves 3dly. To discuss the Stagnating Corrupted fluids and to Restore a free Circulation of the Blood Chiefly to the Surface of the Body. Bleed. and exhibit Diluents, Acids, nitrous Compositions. Tamarinds, Currants, Limon. Aurantior. are all good Rx. Aq. Font. lb. ij. Aq. Ros. Sacch. alb. Succ. Aurantio aa oz. j. Vel loco hujus, Spir. Vit. gut. xx. The Jelly C. C. Sacch. Rose water Succ. Aurant. Limon. are all proper. Whey turned with Orange & [Lemon?] Juice is good. To Direct the motion of the Blood to the Surface of the Body. Inf. Carduus Benedictus Sem Fenicule. Absorbent Powders Citron Juice Mild Diaphoretics &c are all proper.

Fever Ephemera

This is a continual Fever that Lasts but one Day. It Generally Terminates by an Increased perspiration This is the simplest of all Fevers

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 95)
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(seq. 95)

Fever Epidemic Catarrhal Eruptive

These Fevers are Continual but not Violent they are attended with a prostration of Strength Watching Loss of Appetite and sometimes joined with Spots or Erruptions on the Skin, arising from the plenty and [Intistive?] Dissolution of an [excrementilious?] Serum, not without Contagion and Danger of Life.

Cure To prevent the putrid Dissolutions of the Humors Rx. Acetum. Succ. Aurant. Limon. Spt. Vit. Spt. Sal. Marine Spt. Nit. dulc. To abate the Accrimony Absorbent. testatious and bezoardic Powders will be proper with Decoct. Hordei Scorzonera Ros. C. C. Syr. Aurant. Chicken Broth. To promote the Cuticular Excretions Rx. Tinct. Rad. Val. Rad. Serpt. Virg. Also Enemas are proper Rx. Lacc. Vacc. lb. ss. Sacch. Rub. Ol. Oliv. aa oz. j. M. pro Enema. To Raise the Strength a little Wine will be proper harthorn gellies China Orange or Seville Orange Juice with Sugar is good.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 91 - 95 of 171 in total