(seq. 96)
Fever Goal
See Malignant Fever.
Fever Hectic in Children
Pulse hard, quick, weak, most after Meals and in the Evening. Tongue Dry, hard, rough.
Lacc. Muleir or [Ases's?] if either of these cannot be had Cows or Goats will answer providing tis Corrected thus to one point of Milk add Mann. oz. j. vel Sacch. Rose or Cons. Ros. after a while the patient may Drink Qt. j per die cum Sacch. oz. ss et Nit. dr. ss When there is an Ulcer in the Lungs Milk and Water alone is best. Selters waters are good or the following tea Rx Male Speedwell Sow thistle Sage of Jersalem Liver Wort Colts Foot ground Ivy Maiden hair Flowers St Johns Wort & Roses aa pro Infus. add Lacc Vaccin. et Sacch. few drops Ol. tart. per Deliquium give no Wine. When the Patient is Hypochondriac milk is not good Rx. Coral. or Mother of Pearl in Succ. Aurant. is proper Cort. peruv. or Cort. Eleutheric made into an Elect. is good with Syr. Limons. Riding on Horse Back should not be forgot.
Children Rx. Rad. Jalap. pulv. Merc. d. gr. ij. Tart. Vit. q. s. pro. cathart. See Atrophy.
(seq. 97)
Fever Hungric
Tongue Black Inflamed
This is a kind of a Pestilential Fever which sometimes Rages in Hungary. The Cure is much the same with that of the Plague
Fever Inflamatory
Pulse hard frequent
This is Nothing but the Synochus or Continual Fever. which See.
(seq. 98)
Fever Intestinal or Inflamation of the Intestines
This is a Contraction of the Intestines and a Stopage of the Passages through them It is attended with a Vehement fixed burning Pain which is iritated by things taken inwardly. When the Inflamation is in the upper part of the Intestines, the Stomach will be distended by Wind. When the Pain is exasparated, it produces Convulsions of the Diaphragm and abdominal Vessels Muscles, Vomiting, Painfull Inflations, with Rumblings and Sharp Griping Pains, which may bring on the [Illiac?] Passion, or Twisting of the Gutts.
Bleed. and Foment the Parts with emollient Liquids Emollient Enemas are good Let the patient Drink Warm broth Acids in desperate Cases have done Service such as the Juice of Lim. given inwardly and Enemas of Vinegar und Water When there is an excessive Vomiting give Opiates Contantly to quiet the Convulsions
(seq. 99)
Fever Malignant or Spotted
Pulse Contracted, quick, weak, small, Languid Undulous Tongue At 1st White and grows dry and dark It has a bubble on the top many Days at last it becomes dry black & stiff.
The True Spotted Fevers are very Malignant Contagious and Detrimental to the head and Strength attended with Spots of Various colours arising from a Corruption of the Vital Fluid and putrid Dissolution consequent thereupon Bleed if the Pulse are quick full or tense but take away but a small Quantity if the Head only suffers bleed only by leeches at the Temples but if there is a Delerium with a sunk Pulse Bleeding is pernicious many have recovered without bleeding and but few who have lost much Blood, Vomits before the Disease is formed, may nip it in the Bud when a Fever is fixed, and Vomiting supervenes it will be then Dangerous to give a Vomit but some Draught of Cham. may be allowed then the Saline Draught and afterwards a gentle Opiate if necessary to quiet the Spasms or a laxative Enema to turn the Humours downward Camph. Nit. Musk. Rad. Serpt. Virg. are all good
Fever Mesenteric
This is not suddenly fatal it generally Continues more then 21 Days It is Not epidemic nor Contagious and is attended with Coldness of the Extremities thin Urine with little Sediment frequent Coughing a small Excretion of Crude matter a Redness and pain in the Fauces a Loathing of food a want of thirst with uncertain Exacerbations it seems akin to the Nervous Fever.
(seq. 100)
Fever Miliary
Pulse Contracted, hard and quick. Diagnostics This is attended with Red or white Pustules about the bigness of a poppy seed seed sometimes they Contain a pulicid Fluid they appear on the 3rd 4th or 5th Day. and sometimes not till the 7th Day. Sometimes the Patient is troubled with a pricking Pain in his back.
Cure Bleed moderatly unless the patient sweats much or is too weak If the Pustules strike in Lay blisters to the Neck and Calves of the Legs When there is a large Pulse and an Internal heat and thurst give ye following.
Rx. Speran. Cit. Chele. Canc. C. aa s. j. Nit. Purif. gr vj. Croci gr. v. Syr wild. popies q. s. pro bolus If the heats and color of the external parts comes on fitts omit the Nitre
When there are a great Number of Pimples that are hardly Visible att the height or Decline of the fever give an Alexipharmic bolus with Musk. Give laxatives to move the Disease downward as Mann. Rhei Glaub. Salts &c
If an apthea or hiccuping come on give the Febrifug. Elect. è Cort. &c
Rx Ras. C. C. Rad. Scorzon. Sarssap. aa oz. ij Aq. Cinnam. lb. vj. pro Decoct. give this for Constant Drink
Fever Morbillious See Measles
The maker pumps shoe 37 The shoemaker thread boots 25