(seq. 101)
Fever Nervous
Pulse Intermiting sometimes; low, quick, unequal. Tongue covered with a thin white mucus then becomes dry Chapped and red
Diag. It begins with Chillyness Flushes of heat now and then heaviness & Giddiness of the Head Lassitude Dejection of the Mind little thurst an inclination to Vomit the Pat. is worse in the Evening.
Cure Give no Drastic Medicines. If ye Prime vie be foul Clear it with a Gentle Emetic At 1st Enemas may be injected every 2d or 3 Day Mild Diaphoretics and Epipastics are cheifly to be depended upon profuse Sweats are pernicious but gentle ones give ease.
Rx. Chel. Canc. Comp. Gr 15. Croci & Castor aa gr iij m & Pulverize give this every 4th or 6th hour in Sack Whey or Soft Wine The Wine is a great Cordial When Cordials are given give them not by spoonfulls but by Draughts
When there is a great dejection of Spirits lay Blisters may be applied to the neck Occiput or behind the Ears always bleeding in all Cases must be omitted When the Breathing is laborious & thick with a kind of sighing & sobbing Respiration then give a second alexipharmic bolus with a Saline Draught ad to the last of these oz. jss of Simp. Alexet. Water Spt. lav. C. Syr. Croci. aa dr. iss. When Vast Tremours come on & a Subsultis Tendinum in stead of the Bolus give gr. 10 or 15 kg Musk these may be repeated every 5th and 6th hour vel 8th hour Lastly lay blisters to the Arms legs & thighs B. Practice
Bolus Alexipharmicus Rx Pulv. Rad. [Conttrayer?] v. C. Gr 15 Castor gr 10. Saffron Gr. iij Confect [Kermics?] q. s. pro bolus
Haustus Salinus Rx Sal. absinth s. j Succi. limon oz. ss Sacch. alb dr. j m. This is good to stop Vomiting it is diuretic and good in the Dropsy Dr. Frinks. Rx. Sal. absinth. s. j. Aq. Font. oz. viij. Syr. Sacch. oz. ij. Spt. Vit. q. s.
(seq. 102)
Fever Pestilential
Pulse Contracted, languid quick small.
This is the Plague. The Fever is a most Acute one. arising from a Poisonous Miasma, brought from the Eastran Countrys, and unless it is immediatly expelled out of the Body by the Strength of the Vital Motions, by Buboes and Carbuncles, it is fatal. See Plague.
Fever Petechial or Spotted See Malignant Fever
Spanish Infusion Rad. Glych. oz. j. Croci. Ang. dr. ij. Sal. Marine s. ij. Aq. Font. Zxij. From Dr. John Frink. This is for the Pleurisy & peripnumony
The shoemaker thread boots 25 The maker pumps shoes 37 The shoemaker thread shoes 50 The shoemaker thread [?] shoes
(seq. 103)
Fever Pleuretic
Diagnosticks This is attended with a sharp pricking pain in the side a Deficulty of Breathing immoderate heat hard & frequent pulse a Dry and moist Cough and sometimes a bloody Spitting.
Cure Bleed immediately and lay a large Blister in the side affected Bleed again unless a profuse sweat comes on and eases the pain The Crises in young Persons zappen generally on the 7th Day & the Fever terminates in a profuse sweat But in Phlegmatic Persons the Crises happens in the 11th or 14th Day then it goes off partly by expectoration and partly by sweat and the patient falls into a refreshing sleep & the Pulse are most soft
Pectoral Bolus Rx. Sperm. cit. gr. 15. Gm. Ammoni. Gr. 10 Sal. corn. cerv. Volat gr. vij. Syr. Sacch. q. s. pro bolus
C. Common Lambative or Lohoch common. Rx Ol. Nulidus oliv. oz. iij. Syr alb. vel white Poppies oz. ij. Cons. Ros. Rub. oz. ss Ol. vit dr. jm. s. a.
Julip Ammoniacum Rx Lac. Ammon. oz. iiij Syr. Seclit oz. iij. m s. a. Chl. ij twice in die Give ye Diaphoretic Julip as in the next Page Let the Patiets Drink be Decoct. hord. & Inf. Linseed.
Pictoral Linctus Rx. Ol. Amygd. d. q. s. Sperm. Cit. Sacch. alb. aa m. Dr. Frink.
Apply to ye side a hot Cystis è Stercus Equinus non Crastated this will ease the Pain.
(seq. 104)
Fever Peripneumonic
Diag. This is an inflamation of the Lungs attended with a Difficulty of Breathing Weight in the Breast a Cough and purrulent Spitting Cure Bleed Freely the first 3 Days but if a Spitting begins in that time omit it after bleeding apply Blisters to the Back and afterwards to the Sides and on the extremities which will ease the Breast and promote Expectoration A laxative Enema may be proper and Cooling Diaphoreticks Such as Rx. Nit. gr viij. gm. Camph gr. iij cum q. s. è Cons. Hips vel the Diaphoretic Julip pro Bolus
Diaphoretic Julip. Rx Aq. Alexit. Simp. oz. jv. Spt. Minder. oz. ij. Sal. corn. cerv. Volat. gr x. Sacch. alb. dr. vj. m. Exhib. Coch ij every duo horas. Cath & warm sudorfics are hurtfull When the Patient finds ease by Blisters Then Promote a Diaphoresis but when ever he begins to Spit omit the Diaphoretics or join them with Expectorants as Oxym. Seclit. In lowness after Bleeding when the Expectoration Flags give Sal Corn. Cerv. joined with some Pectoral Bolus or some oil and this will Raise the Pulse and promote Expectoration It may be proper to give a Dose of Oxym. Seclit Large enough to make the Patient Vomit in order to Clear the Prime Vie with of the Viscid Phlegm oz. jss pro Dos Give no Opiates untill after the Fever is over If the Body is open and the patients head is affected with the Opiate give Sal. Corn. Cervi. Pulse Slender, Soft, very unequal, stronger after bleeding. Rx Spts. Salam. Ung. de alth. Spts. Vin. Camph. q. s. m. pro External Leniment in Pleurisies & Peripnumonies. Dr. John Frink
(seq. 105)
Fever Quartan See Agues
A Quartan Ague has two Fitts in four Days, or 2 Days quite Free from a Fit.
It begins at four or five o Clock in the Afternoon, but sometimes sooner and sometimes later, with great Lassitude, Stretching, a blunt Pain in the Head, Back, loins and legs. the Feet and Hands are Cold, and the whole Body Cold Pale. The face and Nails are livid to which Shivering and Shaking Supervene The Tongue and Lips Tremble the Breathing is difficult with Restlessness and tossing These Symptoms Continue about two or three Hours. See Agues.
Fever Quotidian
A Quotidian Ague Returns every Day and is not so Common as the tertian or Quartan. The fits come on at about 4 or 5 in the Morning with coldness and shivering to which succeeds Cardialgia Vomiting Pain in the Head fainting Fitts &c for Cure See Agues and Billious Fever