Stearns, Samuel, 1747-1809. Medical notebook of Samuel Stearns, circa 1773. H MS b1.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Notebook containing descriptions of various diseases and medical conditions and recommended treatments collected by New England physician Samuel Stearns (1747-1809) in circa 1773. There are entries in alphabetical order including instructions on preventing abortion (miscarriage), setting fractures, and for treating melancholy, taken sometimes from the published works of other physicians, such as Richard Brookes (1721-1763), whose prescription for cancer Stearns transcribed. The notebook is dated 1773 and may have been intended for publication as part of a medical dispensatory Stearns was attempting to compile, beginning in 1772. As part of his efforts, Stearns traveled to hear medical lectures in North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The volume bears the locations including London, England; Québec, Canada; and Pembroke, New Hampshire, on the title page and flyleaf.


(seq. 106)
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(seq. 106)

Fever Scarlet See Agues

This happens at any time of the Year but most Commonly in the Autumn It Reigns cheifly among Children: It begins with coldness and shivering, as in other Fevers without any violent Sickness, afterwards the Skin is covered with red Spots, which are Larger more florid and not so uniform as the Measles the Redness disappears after two or three Days and the Cuticle falls off and leaves behind it a sort of a Meaty Scale Scattred over the Body which appears and disappear two or three times

The Patient must not eat Flesh nor Drink Spiritous Liquors nor hot Cordials. Rx. C. C. usti pulv. Chele Cancrov. Conys aa dr. ss. aa dr. ss. Cocineal gr ij. Sacch. Cryst. dr. j. m. f. pulv. subtiliss. in xij. Chart. dividend. Take one of these every 6th hour Drinking Chl. ij vel iij of the following Julep.

Rx. Aq Alexet. Simp. oz. vj. Syr. Succi. lim. oz. j. M. f. Julep. or Rx Pulv. Contrayerv. Comp. s. j. Sal. dr. ss Croci Gr. iij. m. Or pulv. Contrayerv. and Croci may be given alone. Apply an Epispastic to the Neck. When the fever ceases purge the Patient with a gentle Cathartic

Fever Semitertian

This is an Epidemic Fever, Compounded of an Intermitting Tertian and Continual Quotidian

It makes its onset before noon, with coldness Shaking, and a Contracted Pulse; to which succeds a frequent Pulse, with heat which Continues some hours till a warm Sweat appears, without a compleat Intermission. The Heat after a slight Chilliness, increases toward Night, with a Quick Pulse which is the more Moderate the next Day without thirst 'till the Evening, when a slight shivering comes on, and the Symptoms Return. On the 3d Day the Shaking fit appears again with more intense heat, and proceeds in the same Track as before; so that a Fever is never Quit off, but has the an exacerbation in the Evening, However the Shaking Fitt is most Conspicious every 3d Day in the Morning.

Rx. Ceruss. Antim. Matris Perlar. Chel. Canc. ppt. aa dr. j. Occul Canc Nit. depurated aa dr. ss. Cap. gr xv. tertia quaque Hora ex haust. Decoct. sequent.

Rx. Rad. Scorzon. oz. ij. Ras. C. C. Passul. Minor. aa oz. j. Rad. Cichor oz. ss Caq. in lb. viij. Aq. per Hore dimidium.

Rx. Give this to discuss the Inflamatory Stasis in the Intestines and Mesentery. Man. Cream Tart. Raisens Sal. polych. to Cleanse the first passages Purges in the begining is not good because the Morbific matter is not prepared but if the body is Costive open it with Decoct. Com. oz. viij. Sass. Mol. oz. ss pro Glyster.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 107)
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(seq. 107)

Fever Senegal

This Fever prevails in this Country in the Months of July August & September Diag. Drowsiness, Lassitude, Intense heat and Sweats Shiverings &c The Fever remits 3 or 4 Days during which Time the pulse are quick and low. Profuse Sweats are bad a parched dry Skin is a bad Symptom Some Times there is a Violent Pain in the Back and difficulty breathing Sudden langours and Billious Vomitings are Frequent through a Great Part of the Time

Cure Bleeding must be ommitted.

Endeavour to keep the Pulse up with the Decoction of the Bark Camphorated Julep Spt. Vit. these will answer without any other Medicenes Except gentle Emetics

Camporated Julep. Rx. Gm. Camph. dr. j. Sacch. alb. oz. ss. boiling aq. [?] Rub. the Camph. in Rect. Spt. Vin. then m. with the Sacch. add the aq. let it stand 'till 'tis cold in a Covered Vessel Strain: the Dose Chl. iij - v. B. Introduction.

Fever Slow

Pulse are More Natural in the Morning then in the Evening

Cause Obstinate Intermitting [?] Continual Fever Small Pox Measles Hemorrhages long Diarrheas Dysenteries Excesive Salivation Gonorrheas Fluor albus Care hard Studdy hard and Continual Labour immoderate Coition Spiritous Liquors. When from Crudities R. Ipecacuh. Gr. 8. Then Carry them downwards by Neutral Salts to promote Digestion. Rx Terra Foliata Tartari Nit. Stibiatum Sal. polych dr. j Occul. Canc. s. ss - dr. j Tart. Vit. s. j dr. ij These may be given alone or with half the Quantity of Rhei. Give it often in small doses After Evacuations Give Analeptics and Stomachics R. Tinit. Cart. x Eleuther. Tinct. Rad. Gentian.

If the Patient is Hipocondriac Rx Tinct. Steel Gut. 11 - 80 Tinct. Martial Flowers gut. 40 - 60. this & the Decoct of Veal broth with Succory Fennel Asparagus Dogs Grass Vipers Grass &c Drink a Quart a Day.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 108)
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(seq. 108)

Fever Slow Hectic

Pulse The Pulse are hard, Quick, weak, moist after Meals and in the Evening Tongue Dry, hard, rough.

Cure Let the Patient practice Riding in the Morning. Repair the Roscid juices that are continually wasting by a Milk diet

Lac. Muleir vel Ases Cows or Goats if Women nor Ases Milk can not be had use Cows or Goats but they must be Corrected by adding an oz. j of Manna or oz. j of Cons. Ros. Rub. afterward the pat. may Drink about Qt. of milk in a day with oz. j the Cons. & dr. ss of Nit.

When it proceeds from a Fault in the Mesentery or an Internal Ulcer give milk and water alone but above all Selters waters is the best or Rx. Male Speedwell, Sowthistle, Sage of Jerusalem, Liver Wort Colts Foot, Ground Ivy, Maiden-hair, Flowers of St. Johns Wort and Roses pro Infusion give aa of this & Milk with a little Sugar & Ol. Tart. per delequium a few Drops. this must be Drank six Weeks If the Fever be high or the pat. hypocondriac with a Head ach Milk must not be Exhibited

Corroborants Rx. Coral or Mother of Pearl. Orange Juice pro Solution Rx. Cort. Eleutheri, or Cort. peruv. pro Eleituary this to be given in the last Stage.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 109)
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(seq. 109)

Fever from Crudities in Slow hectic Fevers

When after other Diseases a Fever arises from Crudities proceeding from a bad digestion, and Crude Sluggish Juices of the Prime Vie Consequent thereupon it is known by a Languid Feebleness, internal heat, Propensity to sweat, especially especially in the Palms of the hands and Soles of the Feet in this Case the stomach and Parts adjacent must be cleansed from the Sordes which is fuel for the fever: This may be done by a gentle Vomit of Ipeca. it may likewise be carried downwards by Neutral Salts which will also help to promote Digestion Such as Terra foliata Tartari, Nitrum stibiatum Sal. Polych. a Solution of Crabs Eyes. Tart. Vit. either alone or mixed with half the Quantity of Rhei given often but in small Doses After the Alimentary Canal is cleansed is Cleansed you must proceed to Analeptics and Stomachics vor which Tinct. Cort. Eleuth. Gentian. Rub &c.

& Hypocondrium

When the Patient is Plethoric Cacochymical, cachectical, scorbutical or the Menses or Hemorrhoidal Evacuations are stopped. and cause this Disease or if it proceed from Voraciousness or bad diet, or the abuse of Spiritous Liquors, then endeavours must be used to Free the Liver, Spleen and Mysentery, and its Vessels and Glands from Obstruction for this Purpose Mineral Waters are proper as Selters likewise Therme, or hot Bath Waters. But where these cannot be had use a Decoction of Veal Broth with the Roots of Succory. Fennel, Asparagus, Dogs grass Vipers Grass Drink a Quart of this Decoct. every Day for some Weeks taking before it some preparation of Steel such as Tinct. Steel with or tinct. Martial flowers.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 110)
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(seq. 110)

Fever from the Erosion of the Stomach Bowel & loss of Fluids in Slow Hectic Fevers

When a slow fever happens from an Errosion of the stomach and bowels, all Sharp, Salt, Acid, Stimulating things are bad as Poison. Rx Sassafras, Cort. Eleutherie Flor. Cham. tops of yarrow pro Decoct. add Lacc. Vaccin. q. s. Rx. Rad. de alth. Rice or gm. Tragacanth. boiled in Milk. Or. gm. Trag. in Aq. Minth. Enemas of Lacc. Vaccinum and the Yolk of an Egg are good.

Turpintine Honey Syr ex alth. is Proper

When there is a Spasm in the Bowels Antispasmodic pills are good. made of the Extract. Cham. Yarrow Ol. Nucis Moschat. Extract. Croci and Castor.

When this Fever proceeds from excruciating Passions of the Mind, Sadness, Cares hard Labour, Watching, Abstinence in ordinate Coition, the Fluor Albus, Gonorrhea Diarrhea, giving suck too long running of Ulcers from which the Strength and Viscid Juices are decayed, All things that raise a Commotion in the Blood, and stimulate die Bowels are bad. as also Aliment that is too substantiell. It rather Requires Rest both of Body and Mind a light temperate Diet, Medicines that Sheath the Accrimony, allay the heat and gently raise the Sinking Spirits Hence Emulsions of Almond, of the four Cold Seeds are proper; as also Ase's Goats or Womens Milk with River Cresses. Chicken Broth Broth made of Rover Crabs or Wood Snails bruised, or Oister shells if the stomach will bear them Soft Wine Mixed with Water is good.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 106 - 110 of 171 in total