Stearns, Samuel, 1747-1809. Medical notebook of Samuel Stearns, circa 1773. H MS b1.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Notebook containing descriptions of various diseases and medical conditions and recommended treatments collected by New England physician Samuel Stearns (1747-1809) in circa 1773. There are entries in alphabetical order including instructions on preventing abortion (miscarriage), setting fractures, and for treating melancholy, taken sometimes from the published works of other physicians, such as Richard Brookes (1721-1763), whose prescription for cancer Stearns transcribed. The notebook is dated 1773 and may have been intended for publication as part of a medical dispensatory Stearns was attempting to compile, beginning in 1772. As part of his efforts, Stearns traveled to hear medical lectures in North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The volume bears the locations including London, England; Québec, Canada; and Pembroke, New Hampshire, on the title page and flyleaf.


(seq. 111)
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(seq. 111)

Fever from Spiritous Liquors N. B. Slow Hectic Fevers are often caused by Spt. Liquors.

When a Fever is Occasioned by the abuse of Spiritous Liquors all heating Spiritous Liquors and strong Beers should be avoided and also Analeptics Inciders of Phlegm and Stomachics, Gruel, after Lower's Method will be proper made of Oatmeal, Succory Root, Red Poppy Flowers and a little Stibiated Nit. likewise Whey with a Little Nit. or fresh Batter Milk, which is greatly esteemed for ist great efficacy to these we may add Ptisans of Pearl Bearley and Succory thin Emulsions and harthorn Jellies

& Supression e ye Menses

Bleed in The Foot Rx. Succory Root Sow Thistle Daisy & Elder flowers for Decoct. Forbear all Emenegogics

But if the Patient has laboured long under a Slow Hectic Fever and is greatly weakned Bleeding must be Omitted. If after lying in the Menses are Stopped, and there is an Hectic with an atrophy, Cough, Diarrhea universal Langour of the whole Body, and a slow Consuming heat no Emenegogues must be used But directly the Contrary the same may be said of the stoppage of the Hemorrhoidal Flux for giving [?] in this Case has hurried many an one out of the World.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 112)
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(seq. 112)

Fever from a Marasmus Senilis

This is a kind of an Hectic Fever there are two Causes which produce tabific Fevers in persons advanced in Years; the one is a plethora or rather a Quantity of thick Blood Stuffing and Obstructing the Viscera and the Mesentery. the Other a Cacochymy from a plenty of impure Salt Serum not Secreted through the Skin or otherwise If the Patient has been addicted to a Sedentary inactive Life his Appetite Remaining good and has omitted accuthomary bleeding or Spontaneous Evacuations of Blood are Ceased and he is in Danger of a Slow Hectic Bleeding is Indicated and Wholsome Diluters must be frequently Drank abstaining from food of too plentyfull a Nourishment, and using Convenient exercise In the other Case, you must carry off the Sordes by gentle Laxatives of Manne Rhei and Passul. the Roscid Juices must be renewed by Jellies Lacticini or Ases Milk

& Tertian

A Simple Tertian happens every other Day. 'Tis divided into legitimate and Spurious In the first the fit is succeeded by Heat Thirst and Pain in the Head und ends in about 10 hours. The Urine is of a Flame Colour. In the 2d the Heat is Not so remarkable it Continues 20 Hours, or longer. The Urine is Turbid but Not high Coloured when the fit is ended there Remains great languor and Lassitude of the Joints & want of Appetite.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 113)
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(seq. 113)

Fever Flavid of the West Indies

Pulse are hard, high, quick, strong, Rapid, Contracted. Tongue Dry, harsh, rough, and discoloured

This begins with a Momentary Chilliness and Shivering which is soon succeeded by a burning heat all over the Body

Cure Bleed then Vomit with Ipecac & Tart. emetic. Then Exhibit subacid Liquors with Oranges Lemons Tamarinds, Spt. Sulph. Spt Vit. Aq. Font. Hordei. &c Rx. Decoct. ij. Aq. alexit. simp. lb. j Syr. Lim. oz. jv. M. bibat. ad libitum.

Rx. Cons. Tamarinds oz. vj. Coq. in aq. Font. lb. jv. Colat. bibat. frequenter Rx. Suci. expressi. Melon. aquat. dict. lb. ij. Decoct. Hord. lb. j. Vin. Rhen. lb. ss Sacch. alb. q. s. ad gratam dulcedinem. Capiat ut prius

Ditto in Children

For a Child a Year Old

Rx. Pulv. è Chel. Canc Comp. Margarit. ppt. an. dr. j. M. F. pulv. in sex Partus equal dividendus

Rx. Test. [Ostrorear?] ppt. dr. iij. Flor. Sulph. dr. j. Sal. prunel s. ij. M. F. pulv. in Xij. P. dividend.

Rx. Pulv. Chel. C. Simp. dr. j Occul. Canc. ppt s. ij. Cochinel. gr. vj. M. F. pulv. tenuissimus in vj. Chartulas dividendus In two or three Hours give ye following Rx. Aq. Alexet. Simp. oz. vj. Alexet. Comp Zss. Sacch. perlat. oz. ss. M. F. Julep.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 114)
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(seq. 114)

Fistula lachrymalis See Agylops

Fluor Albus

Emetic Ipecaucahan. Second Cathart. bolus Laxative Mercurial Pills Chalybeates Pulvis Stypticus Spt. Vit. dulc. Aq. Calcis Omnium Decoct. Woods Styptic Eleat. of the Bark Pillule Astringens Balsamic potion Tinct. Cantharides. Bals. Anodyne. Externally Strengthing fomentation. Injected

Fotus Roborans Rx. Cort. Querc. oz. j. Cort. Granator. oz. ss. Smiths Forge Water lb. iij. boil to the Consumption of one third Strain add Roach alum dr. ij. This must never be used but only when there is too great a laxiety of the Vessels.

Second Cathartic Bolus Rx. Rhei pulv. gr xxv. Merc. d. gr vij. Syr. Ros. Solut q. s. pro Bolus.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 115)
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(seq. 115)

Furor Uterinus

Bleed frequently If She Faints there is no Danger. Purge her with Scammony Diagridiam. Emetics are also good in the Intervals give Glysters of the Emollient kind To which ad Zss of Sal. Prunel or a little Vinegar Morning and Evening Semicupium Baths are proper. Emmolient Injections thrown up the Vagina are Servicible. Let her Drink the following Cooling ptisn Rx. Decoct. Rad. alth. White Lilly Water adding to each Pint Sal. prunel dr. j. or Spt. Vit. ad gratam Aciditatem.


Let the Patient Live upon Broth untill the Milk Fever is over Rx. Alumen, Rup. pulv. Sang. dracon. Sacch. Rub. aa gr x. cum q. s. Syr. Coral. M. f. Pill. s. j. pro dos. to be given every two hours. Rx. Aq. Cin. Simp. Theriacal. aa oz. j. Elix. Vit. gutt 20 Liq. laud. gr. v. C vel Extract. Thebaic gr ijss. M. F. Haustus. This may bs repeated in about an hour if Necessary. Use Injections pro re nata. Narcotics should not be forgot

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 111 - 115 of 171 in total