(seq. 121)
Gripes in Children
Rx. Seri Lactis recent dr. vj. Mellis dr. j. M. F. haustus. Vel. Rx. Seri Lact. recent oz. ij. Sapo. Venet. dr. jss. Mel. dr. ij. M. f. Enema To lubricate the Meconium Rx. Ol. Lin. dr. j. Syr. ex alth. dr. ij. M. pro una dosi Rx. Ung. de althea oz. j. ol. Lini oz. ss. M. F. linimentum. quo abdomen inunguatur Mane & Vesperi
Gravel Fit of
Alicant Soap Sweetned with Double Refined Sugar & Softned with Sallad Ol. the Comp. is thus made Rx. Sapo. Alicant oz. jv. Sacch. alb. oz. ij. Ol. amygd. d. oz. j. Ol. Anis. dr. ss. m. If there is a Vomiting give the Saline Draught If the Pain is very intense bleed and Inject the following Enema Rx. Gm. Opii gr. jv. Decoct. Comm oz. vj. add Ol. Turpintine gutt 30 pro Enema Or Rx. Rad. Alth. Linseed and Chamom Flores Boiled in aq. Font pro Semicupium Bath which will often ease the Pains when Bleeding and Opiates fail.
Haustus Oleous. Rx. Ol. Amygd. d. Syr. Rad. alth aa oz. ss Aq. Cin. Simp. oz. ij. m. this is proper to abate Acrimony & lubricate the Uriny Passages
(seq. 122)
These are [Strenos?] Tumours but sometimes are of the Veneral Kind. Empl. de Ran. quadruplicato. Mercurio. Or Ung. Merc. Or. Empl. Merc. cum Cinnab. If there is matter in them open them with a Lancit or Caustic. & discharge the Matter. The bones being exfoliated with Tinct Myrrh. aloes, pulv. of Myrrh. Rad. aristoloch. Rotund. Tinct. euphorb.
Gums apt to bleed
Astringent Gargle Universal Balsam.
Garg. Astring. Rx. Cort. Querc. oz. j aq. Font. lb. jss. coq. ad lb. j. adde Roch. Alum dr. j. Mel. Ros. oz. j. This will fasten loose Teeth and heal Ulcers in the Mouth.
Bals. Univers. Rx. Sacch. Saturn. oz. ij. Cera alb. oz. iij. Ol. Oliv. Pt j. melt the wax with the Ol. and keep continually Sturring them while you add the Sacch. Sat.
Gutta Rosacea
These are red Pimples about the Nose and Cheeks and sometimes in the Whole Face The Nose and Face is also Red
Cure Rx Aq. Fumitor. Anagal. Aquat. Nasturt. Aquat. Acetos. aa lb. j. Arcan. duplicat. dr. iij. Nit. depurat. dr. j. M. F. potio Dosis lb. ss Mane Vesperi
Rx Polypod oz. ss Rhei dr. ij. Troch. Agar & [Mechoac?] alb. aa dr. ss Nit. puri Arcan duplicate Sem. Fenic aa dr. j. M. pro Cathartic. Decoct. alb. is good and Scarifications in the back part of the Neck. with [thr?] Pediluvia Sacch. Saturn. Sambuc. Flor Fabar. f. Fomentation Ol. Myrrh. Cort. Peruv.
& Serene
This is an abolition of Sight when no fault appears in the Eyes
Eye Bright. Veronica Hussop Anthos Salvie Fenicul. Sem. Anis. Rad. Valerin. Sassaf. Cinnam. Wood lice, Mercurials &c.
(seq. 123)
Hemoptysis or Spitting Blood
Antihectic Decoct. Vulnerary Decoct. Bals. Electuary Peruvian Elect. without steel Aq. Calcis Spt. Vit. dulc. Tinct. Ros. Pectoral Infusion Styptic Powder
Decoct. Nitr. Enema Purgans Spt. Vit. dulc. Tinct. Ros. Pulv. Stypt Colcothar of. Vit. Alum Water of Bate
(seq. 124)
Hemorrhoidal Flux
This is a flux of Blood from the Anus and is without Pain Whereas a Flux in the Dysentery is attended with much Pain and Griping
When the Vesels are full of Blood and without any evacuation it is called the Blind Piles for the Cure See Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids or Piles
Flor. Sulph. Elect. against the Piles Anodyne glyster Anodyne Fomentation Liniment for the Piles
Electuary against ye Piles Rx. Elect. lenitive oz. ij. Flor. Sulph. oz. j. Syr Rad. de alth. q. s. the Dose is from dr. ij - oz. ss. twice a Day when there are inflamatory Symptoms add to the above dr. ij. of Nit.
(seq. 125)
Head Ach
Bleed under the Tongue in the forehead or in the Jugular Exhibit Emollient Enemas or Inf. of Manne & Cream Tart. with Rhei Rx. Antim. diaph. Nit. C. C. C. and Diacodium
Cephalics Rad. Piony Pellitory of Spain. Rad. Val. Sylv Fol. Asarabacca, Betony, Majoram Anthos, Salvi. Lavend. Mistletoe of the Oak Cardamoms Minor. Cloves Cubeb, Nutmeg Assa Fetid. Castor Ol. of C. C. Ol. Anthos. Ol. Succin. Aq. Rute. Antihest Water Cephalic Inf. Cepha diet Drink Spt. C. C. Spt. Lav. C. Oleous Volat. Spt. Spt. Succin Tinct. Cast. Tinct. Wood Soot, Cinnab. antim Bolus of Castor, Fetid Julep Cephalic Elect. qm Pills Cephalic Powder Blistering plaister Blistering Ointment. both Sinapisms Emetics, Cathartics.
Heart Burn
Magnesia alb. Absorbents Sugard Steel. Lozenges against the heartburn Tinct. Rhei Amara Tinct. Sacc. Emetics.