(seq. 126)
Hepatic Flux
This is a Diarrhea proceeding from the same Causes of the Common Diarrhea and Dysentery. The Excrements are bloody and of a Milky Colour. The Regimen and cure are the same as in the Diarrhea & Dysentery Rx. Rad. Rhei pulv. Dj. Cons. Ros. Rub. q. s. ut f. bolus. omni nocte h. s. sumend.
See next page to the Right hand
Health to preserve
In Chilly wet Weather take Rx Small Beer Pt. j. Spt. Vin. Qt. j. dulcify cum Sacch. Spum. adde Acetum enough to make it palatable. Ashbetten this is called. Fresh Meat & Vegetables Extract of Leamon. Garlik and Brandy is very good. Punch Audulated with Cream of Tart. is good in hot weather
(seq. 127)
Hernia Humoralis or Swellings of the Testicles in Ven. disease
Bleed frequently und let the Regimen be of an antiphlogistic Nature Foment the Parts with a Decoct. Rad. althe. Sem. Lin. or warm Milk &c
When the Inflamation is over exhibit a gentle purge Externally apply Merc. Ung. et Cataplasms Internally give Antivenerals
Herpes Milliaris & excedens
These Pustules Resemble Millet Seed they affect the Legs, Hands, thighs Scrotum and Perineum On which arise itching Pustules without Moisture which fall off in scales but Return again This sometimes effects the Head and appears like Scurf on Old persons Cure Let the pat. drink no malt liquor But a Decoct of China Sarsaparill Sharp pointed Dock, Vipers grass, Succory, Liquorice, and Polypodium Cort. Sassafras. Eleutheria and Mistleto the [sheving?] of Sassafras and red Saunders some of these may be used to advantage To Qt j. Aq. Font. add an oz. j of each Ingredient which you use Keep the prime Vie clean. with Laxatives such as Rhei Mane Cream Tart. Neut. Salts &c in Obstinate Cases give Merc. dulc. Antim. Crude cum decoct guaic. Sarsap.
(seq. 128)
Hiccoughing or Singutus
This is a Spasmodic Affection of the Stomach and Diaphragm arising from any thing that irritates and Vellicates their Nervous Parts. If it happens from flatulent food Wine is good.
Hiccup in fevers
Cort. peruv. Spt. Lav. C. Musk Musk Julep Bolus alexipharm with musk Cordial Julep Opiates Tinct. Sacc. Externally Bals. Anodyn. Empl. Stom. Campho. Cataplas.
Hydrocele or Dropsy of the Scrotum
Nither Internal nor external Applications will Work the Cure When an Evacuation is necessary Open the Scrotum in the Inferior part to prevent wounding the Testical. When the water has run out apply to the Orifice a peice of Dry Lint with a Sticking Plaister make gut a small Orifice in the Scrotum.
(seq. 129)
Cinab. nativ. Cinnab. Fact. aa gr XX jv. Mosch. gr X vj. M. F. pulv. Bleed freely and give Enemas thus Rx. Nit. dr. ij. Acet. Mel. Rosar. an oz. j. Aq. decoct. Hord. oz. x. M. F. Enema. See bite of a Mad Dog
Hydrops See Dropsy
Jaundic Dr [Thread?] Greans Pills R Fulig Lapis. dr. jv. Pip. Nig. dr. j. Rad. Sanguis dr. ss. Sal. Marine dr. j. mix them in the yolk of an Egg. & make it into pills about as big as a Pea Exhibe jv. pro Dosi.
Aq. Puleg. Rute antihestric Ol. Succin. C. C. Spt. C. C. Oleous Volat. Spt. Spt. Lav. C. Tinct. Cast. Wood Soot Cort. peruv. Julep. Antihest. Fetid Julep. Musk Julep Cephalic diet Drink Cephalic Infusion Bolus of Castor Strengthing Electuary of ye Bark Elix. Vit. propriet. fetid Enema qm Pills Aloctic pills
Stom. Pills Chalybeat Pills Steel Medicines Bolus of Rhei [Symbol] Tinct. Rhei amar Saccra Emetics Antihestric Plaster
(seq. 130)
Give no heating things excepting Wine Phlebotomy Rest. Anodynes Nitrious preparations antiepileptics Refrigerents Cold water. and Whey are proper When the patient is in a fit apply to the Nose fetid things. as asafetid, Castor, Burnt Partridges feathers &c. For women in Child Bed apply a Girdle of Russia Leather and give Enemas of the Roots and Seeds of Lavage with Flor. Cham. Samb. Female [?] &c To the Umbillica apply a Pl. of Opoponax Bedellium. Galb. Asa fetid. m. Inwardly Tinct. Cast gut. 30 - 40 in aq. Font. out of the fit Rx. Rad. Val. pulv. s. ij. Cinab. nat. s. j. m. f. pulv. in Mane et Vesper
Water Gruel with wine & Whey, Mediated Broths, Brisk exercise & Moderate Sleep are proper Rx Pulv Ipec. Tart. Emet in a draught of Generous Wine or Infusion of Manna drinking Water Gruel after it after the Opperation give ye following Cath. Sal. diuret. Gr. v. - s. j also Sapo Cast. oz. iij. Rhei pulv. Spec. [??] aa oz. ss Syr Cort. Aurant. q. s. m. f. Elect take dr. ss - dr. j. twice in die Ethiops [min?] is good in a stuborn Jaundice Tinct. Saccra. Sapo. alba Express. Hoglice Squill Pills, Bolus of Rhei cum Mercury. See Hydrops
Jaw Locked
Bleed in plethoric Constitutions give Broths & Barley Waters Inject Enemas cum Rad Val. Sylv. & Tinct. Thebaic. The Cure depends Cheifly upon Opiates Opii gr. ij. Camph. Musk.
Sperm Cit. Sal. C. C. Elix. Parigoric. M. Give this internally and exhibit it pro re nata also Opii gr ij. once in two hours.