(seq. 146)
This is too great an Increase of the Quantity of Blood.
Cure Bleed and use proper Exercise with a Nourishing Regimen.
Poisons for Poisons see Bites of Venemous [?] &
This is a Nervous or Convulsive or Nervous Colic See Colic Poitou
Polypus è Heart
This is a Mass Composed of Various Pellicles and Fibers, Generated in the Heart and large Vessels It Occurs both in accute and Chronic Diseases and there are but few Bodies to be found wherein 'tis not found after Death
It is seated in the Heart pulmonary Artery and the Arota Cure Use an exact Regimen with Frequent Exercise Chalybeated Min. Waters with alkalious Salt is proper Coralline Medicines with Cinnab. Volatiles, Succin ppt Antispasmodics Saponacious Medicines &c.
(seq. 147)
The Seat of these are in the Pudendum. They are occasioned by the Veneral Disease When Merc. Oint. has been applied they Dry and fall of themselves but when they are Rooted Deep they grow like Warts in this case they must be cut with the Point of the [sciser?] and a Pl. Merc. cum Diach. c. gm applied
Procidentia Uteri
This is a common disorder and the Uterus presents its self in the Vagina between the Labia or is quite Visible sometimes tis only the Internal Membrane of the Vagina some times tis the Body of the Womb its self See Bearing down of the Matrix This is hardly ever Mortal some Women have had it 30 Years
Pterygium of the Eye see pannus of the Eye
Putrifaction to prevent Alkaline Salts, fixed and Volatile, Aloes, Rad. Contrayerva. Rad. Raphana, Sem. Sinapois, Myrrh, Neutral Salts, Scurvy Grass
Putrifaction to promote Chalk. Chele Cancr. and other Earthy Absorbents.
(seq. 148)
Cons. Ros. Antihect. Decoct. Vulner. Decoct. Pectoral. Infus. Pect. Bolus Bals. Elect. Julep. Ammon. Squill Julep Bals. Lamb. Pect. Pills Tar. Pills Squill Pills Lime Water comp. simp. Tar Water Emetics Elix Vit. Blistering Pl.
These are a sort of a Pimple that appears on patients of a Scorbutic and Cacochymic habit. For their cure see other Cutaneous erruption
The Motion of the Pulse are four Kinds viz. Great, Little, Quick, Slow, from whence arise the other Motions as Violent Weak &c The Pulse are said to be hard or soft at some times but this Respects the Artery not the Motion of them See B. Introd. P. 80.
Putrifaction See Pterygium
Bleeding and Cleansing the Prime Vie is of great service.
Decoct. Rad. Bard. Seneke Wood Tamarind. Anti Scorbut Juices Diet Drink against Scurvy Diaphoret. Julep. Bolus Guaiac. Sapo alb. Squill Pills Sem. Sinap. Ol. Terebenth. Ethiops Min. Cinnab. Antim. Merc. Pills. Externals Cataplasm Emolliens Bals. Anod. Bals Turpintine Saponaceous Bals. Camph. Ol. Liniment anodyn Anodyne Plaster Saponaceous Plaster Warm Plaisters Blistering Plaisters.
(seq. 149)
Cold bathing Ethiops Min. Martial Flowers Fomentation Aromat. Ung. Nervin.
Fotus Aromaticus Rx Carioph. Mace aa dr. j. Vin. Rub. Pt. j. boil them a little and strain off the Wine
Reaching to Vomit is a sign of a Cardialgia, Dysentery Hypochondriac Passion Pestilential Fever
Reaching to Vomit Fruitless denotes Poisons by Vegetables
Reaching to Vomit sometimes fruitless at others when Billious matter is brought up denotes an Intermitting Fever & Ague.
Rheums or Salt Rheum
Ung. Epidemic Ol. Cream.
Internally Flor. Sulph. in Sacch. spum. with Ethiops Min.
Toward the latter end of the Cure purge the patient with Syr. despin. [cer vine?] Dr. Ball.
Bleed and Purge the Patient and apply a liniment of the following Rx. Ung. Nerv. oz. j. Liq. Land. Ol. amygd. d. aa oz. ss. Camph. dr. ss. m. f. Linimentum. If the Case be Obstinate treat it as the Errysipilous sh. give something to Defend the stomach.
(seq. 150)
An Astringent Regim with Medicated Ales and Wines are proper. Sem. Anis. Carvi, Fenicule dulc. may be put into the Bread. If the Patient be Costive give a Carminative glyster. Reduce the Rupture to its former Position and put a proper Bandage thereon. with a plaister of Adhernium.
Internally may be given Rx. Troch. de Carab. oz. ss bole Armeniae. Sang. dracon pulv. Cinnam. Sem Anis. Carvi Coriand aa oz. j. Sacch. Saturn. s. j. Bals. peruv. dr. j Syr Coral. q. s. f. pl. No. 8. Zj. 4 times in die in Vin. Rub. Shaw.
Rhyas & Encanthis
This is a Considerable diminution or entire Loss of the carunele of the Great canthus which is the Angle or Corner of the Eye
Rx. Bals. peruv. Linement. arcei aa Warmed then
Rx. Myrrh Aloes aa dr. jss. flor. Ros. Rub. [?] j. Coque in Vin. alb. Rub. oz. jv. ut. sind. Colat. oz. ij. wet a pledget and apply this over the eye. Sh.
Sadness its Efects
When Sadness attacks the solid Parts it Dejects the strength of the whole Body and hurts its functions, relaxing and lessening the strength of the Fibers