(seq. 16)
Anatomy or Anthropography
Solid Parts. 1 Bones. 2 Cartilages. 3 Ligaments. 4 Muscles. 5 Tendons. 6 Membranes. 7 Nerves. 8 Arteries. 9 Veins. 10 Ducts.
Comp. Orgins of Life 1 Brains. 2 Cerebellum. 3 Lungs. 4 Heart. 5 Stomach. 6 Liver. 7 Spleen 8 Pancreas 9 Kidneys 10 Glands 11 Intestines
Orgins è Sense 1 Eyes 2 Ears 3 Nose 4 Tongue.
Fluid Parts 1 The Chyle 2 Blood 3 Saliva 4 Bile 5 Milk 6 Lympha 7 Semen 8 Pancreatic Juice 9 Urine 10 Phlegm 11 Serum & ye 12 Aq. Humours è ye Eyes
Some say there are 245 Bones in a Skeleton others say there is 249. In the Skull are 14 In the Face & Throat 46 In the Trunk 67 In the Arms & Hands 62 In the Legs and Feet 60. ______________________ 249. [?].
(seq. 18)
Cathartics, Enemas, & Diuretics, are proper If the Viscere is found by a Paracenthesis or Fapping Cathart. Draught Cathartic Draught Cathart. Bolus Electu. against the Dropsy Bolus of with Mercury, hydragogue Julep, Neutral Salts, diuretic Salt Stibiated Nitre, Volat. Salt of Amber, Salt peter, Fixed alkaline Salts, diuretic Bolus, Bolus diuretic diet drink, diuretic Infusion, Diuretic Draught Expression of Hog lice, diuretic Julep, Saline Julep, Squill Julep, Tinct. Cantharid. Garlic Pills, Squill Pills. If the patient is afflicted with great Pain, give the Anodyne diuretic diet - Drink. Haustus Catharticus Rx. Scamony gr. Xjv. Aq. hung. z dr. ij. Syr de Spin. Cerv. dr. vj. Grind the Scammony well in a Glass Mortar with the Spt. then add the Syr. Bolus Catharticus Rx. Jalap. dr. ss. Syr. Caryoph. q. s. pro Bolus Vel. Rx. Rhei gr. 25 Merc. dulc. gr. vij. Syr. Ros. Solut. q. s. pro bolus. Electary Hydropicum Rx. Gm. Gambago oz. jss Cream Tart. oz. j Zinzib. oz. ss Syr. Sacch. q. s. m. this will work upwards & Downwards. dr. ss pro dosibus early in the Mornings.
(seq. 20)
Angina or Quinzey
Definition This is an Inflamation of the Fauces and is attended with a Fever and Burning Pain Tumour Redness und dificulty of Breathing & Swallowing
1. Emet. Sal. Vit. 2. Ol. Amygd. d. 3 Cort. pe in Decoct. Chem. from Dr. Dunsmore of [Lunning?] Burgh
Cure If a Diarrhea comes on an Infusion of Whey and Tamarinde is good Cooling Nitrous Salts are good Mulberries and all Acids are proper Keep the Throat moist and Nose clear.
Bleed. First in the Arm Afterwards in the Sublingual Vein vel in the Juglar. Apply a [Vissacatory?] to the fore part of the Neck Anoint the Inflamed part with the following Liniment Rx. Mel. Rosar. q. v. Spir. Sulph. q. s. ad summum Acorem vel Sweet Flagg. Then use the following Gargle Rx. Aq. Plantag. & Sperm. Ranar. aa dr. jv. (vel Aq. Hord. oz. viij.) Rosar. Rub. oz. jv. Album. Ovor. in aquam. agitando redact. No iij. Sacch [?] dr. ij. M. F. Gargarisma Rx. aq. Hord. lb. j Mell. oz. iij. ad pro re nata Spt. Sal. Ammoniac dr. ij. M. Or Rather Rx Mixtur. Lact & Aq. lb. iss [Ficuum?] No ij. Coq. ad lb. j pro Gargas. Rx. Ol. amygd. d. oz. j. Ol. papav. alb. dr. j Camph. dr. ss. M. anoint the Neck with this Rx. Amygd. d. Excorticat. No. v. Sem. Melon. pepon. aa oz. ss Sem. papav. alb. dr. iij. Aq. Hord. lb. jss Aq. Ros. dr. ij. cum [?] q. s. Sacch. Cand. F. Emulsion Capiat oz. jv. quarta quaque hora. give this Internally