(seq. 63)




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28 Lect 2

it takes to move thro' a small Capillary, as 100 to 1 - But
Dr. Hunter & Haller think it cannot be so great - The Effect of
Arteriotomy, besides taking a great Quantity of Blood, Bellini
imagined, would be an Increase of it's Motion between the
Part opened & the Heart. It is found, to obtain not only there,
but also in the neighbouring Parts by lessening the Resistance
By Puncturing an Artery, you also occasion a Retrograde
Motion as Haller found from the same Cause, & the Blood rus-
hes out from all the adjacent Vessels. Haller was not sensi-
ble of any intestine Motion in the Blood, but it seemed to him
in his Observations to be going on equably - But he took Notice
that the Column of Blood was interrupted in the Arteries, some-
times by Air, which had got in by some Means or other - In
the small Arteries however the Blood flows irregularly - Where
the small Anastomoses are, the Motion of the Blood is not so
well seen, as it sometimes seems to stop & one while to run
forward, some have imagined, that Blood Globules have a rota-
tory Motion on their own Axis, as well as Projectile -
A Hard or soft Pulse depends upon the Mate of the Arterial Coats
principally, as they are more or less Yielding - The hard Pulse proc-
eeds from Rigidity & Tension. The soft from the Coats being more
Yielding & less tense - These are taken great Notice of in the mod-
ern Practice near the Crisis of a Fever, when the Solids become
relaxed, & the Pulse softer - 1st. A Large & a small Pulse de-
pend upon the Quantity of Blood thrown out by the Heart

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