(seq. 65)




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29 Lect 2

as also do the strong & the Weak on the same Cause,
or rather on the Force of the Heart. If the Quantity is great,
the Pulse will be large, but a small Pulse will happen, if
the Quantity be little - 2d. On the Coats of the Artery being
more or less Yielding, & on more being kept in the Arterial
System, depend the slow & quick Pulse, if the Arteries are very
Yielding, the Blood will be collected in a greater Quantity in
them, & will not so soon be forced into the venal System, hence
the Pulse will be fuller. By a quick Pulse in common Lan-
guage is meant the frequent Action of the Heart. But in
Physiology is meant the Time, in which the Stroke is itself
given but this is difficult to distinguish - A regular & irregu-
lar Pulse depend on the State of the Heart, an Intermittent
Pulse is so called, when a Stroke [?] then is mixed, this ge-
nerally depends on the State of the Artery, which may in some
Measure have lost its Elasticity, or on the Weakness of the Heart it-
self, on which Account the Heart not being able to contract sus-
pends its Action for a Moment, till it receives a fresh Supply of
Blood or Animal Spirits, & then renews its Action. Some persons
are very sensible of this Intermission from a Struggling or An-
xiety of the Heart. Mr. Page was sensible of this, whose Case, we
shall have Occasion to mention hereafter. In some Cases, this
is an Alarming Circumstance, in others not. Adhesions of
the Pericardium or too much Liquor Pericardii may occasion
this, or any thing that irritates.

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