(seq. 139)




Status: Complete

69 Lect. 5.

Sympathy - [As] the intercostal [?] Nerve, [which] com=
municates with almost every Nerve in the Body [?] this Sympathy is by no Means equally extensive [By this
we mean that] some Parts of the Body seem to be peculiar=
ly affected by a kind of Sympathy with other Parts, thus
the Nerves of the Nose being Tickled with a Feather affect the
Organs of Respiration & cause a sneezing. Physiologists
accounted for this from the Communication of Nerves, but
this seems insufficient, because the constituent Nerves are
always distinct. Dr. Anstrue disputed against this Doctrine
of Sympathy, & endeavours to prove that it depends on the juxta
Position of the Nerves in the Brain itself - The Course of the
Nerves is nearly the same, as that of the Bood Vessels, (tho' there
are a Number of Exceptions) As least it is so, as much as the Origin
will permit, the one arising from the Heart, the other from the
Brain. As in the Arms, the Nerves run down from the Head,
but the Blood Vessels run up from the Heart, likewise in the
Leg & Thigh, tho' they are at first at a Distance, the one being be=
fore, the other behind. Yet at the Ham they get together & so go
on - There is a great Variety in the Distribution of Blood Ves=
sels in different Bodies, but that of the Nerves is much more
uniform & nearly the same - Nerves give off Branches

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