Warren, John. Lectures upon anatomy :.

Volume containing lecture notes of Harvard Medical School Professor John Warren (1753-1815) beginning on 10 December 1783 for the first course in anatomy he taught. The lectures were delivered in Harvard Yard, probably in Holden Chapel. Warren offers an overview of the history of medicine and anatomy, in addition to lectures devoted to specific parts and functions of the human body, and discussion of dissection. Concerning autopsies, Warren tells his students, "At the first view of dissections, the stomach is apt to turn, but custom wears off such impressions. It is anatomy that directs the knife in the hand of a skilful surgeon, & shews him where he may perform any necessary operation with safety to the patient. It is this which enables the physician to form an accurate knowledge of diseases & open dead bodies with grace, to discover the cause or seat of the disease, & the alteration it may have made in the several parts." "Goldsmith's animated nature," in an unidentified hand appears on the final thirty-nine pages of the volume.


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(seq. 76)

Apparent Pulsation

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
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35 Lect. 3

back, & therefore it must be driven forwards. They are probably in pretty large Veins, & placed irregularly & not in very small ones - If it were not for the Valves, We should be more subject to various Swellings; as they divide a great Length of Column into many smaller ones. The Pressure is less, but this is not the Principal Use of them, as was said before, or else the so great Length of the Vena Cava, would not be without them, but by means of these Valves every lateral Pressure quickens the Circulation, & hurries the Blood towards the Heart - Veins, that lie upon an Artery seem to have a pulsation, which is the only Action of the subjacent Artery - Hence a Surgeon upon opening such a Vein is afraid, that he has wounded an Artery, & this most frequently happens in Fevers, where the Arteries act more strongly Some Veins near the Heart have something like a Pulse, or Swelling & subsiding, which is occasioned by the Action of the Heart, giving a momentary Stop to the Blood, & occasioning an Undulation. In the Veins of the Neck, there is a manifest rising & falling, also in those of the Brain, which is owing to Respiration - The Vein, that answers to an Artery is generally larger, & the Veins have no Pulsation, for the same Reason, that the small ramifying Arteries have none, the Course of the Blood being continual, for the Blood is carried on by

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 78)
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(seq. 78)

Enlargement of Veins


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36 Lect. 3

two Actions. 1st that of the Heart drives it on, & then the elastic Coat of the Artery acts upon it. The Jugular Veins appear to pulsate sometimes, when there are Polypi in or near the Heart, owing to the Blood's being impeded by them - Not only Veins & Arteries, but all the Vessels of the Body are elastic, & will bear stretching - This our Constitution seemed to require, as our Bodies are liable to so many Changes from Rastings, Overlodgings, loss of Blood &c. By this Elasticity of them we are able to bear a greater or less Quantity of Blood at one Time, than another, the Vessels always dilating or contracting, so as to accomodate themselves to the Quantity of Blood thrown into them, & therefore keeping the System full at all Times. When at any Time the Arteries & Veins have lost their Elasticity, they are supposed to occasion Palpitations of the Heart, sudden Death, Faintings &c., for when the Quantity of Blood is small, & the Vessels so far lost their Elasticity, as not to be able to accomodate themselves to the Quantity of circulating Fluids. The Pulse becomes irregular & intermitting. The Patient is subject to Faintings, Palpitations &c. The Case of Mr. Page is an Instance of this He had been troubled with a Palpitation at the Heart for several Years, & was always much relieved by a full meal,

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(seq. 80)
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(seq. 80)

Bleeding its Effect

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 76 - 80 of 254 in total