(seq. 16)




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Cambridge April 10th. 1809.

Dr. Waterhouse

About a year ago* Dr. Geo. Bates of
Boston, in conversaton with me, insinuated that
measures were about to be taken for your removal
from the M. Hospital. He intimated that he had
been requested to make a statement of the true
situation of the hospital at that time, for the pur-
-pose, as I understand it, of sending the sane to Wash-
-ington, ot to whom it concerned, at the seat of
government. He said that others had made
use of his representations fo the same purpose; and
that he was known as concerned in the business at
Washington. Affecting to talk wisely, he ventured to
predict, that you would be removed not many
years hence. This, Sir, is the substance of his con-
-versation; ot at least the impression it made
upon my friend; for he spoke not in plain lan-
-guage, but in hints. This information I submit
for your use, if it can be of any service to you;
but with this reserve, that it is not for publication

Yours &c.

William T. Torrey - a young
minister or candidate for the ministry

*a year before any of
these charges were brought against me

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