(seq. 20)
Allest Gallaln - May 27th
I am both [incumber] you
with additional, do currently, that I am apprehensive
that have not yet made myself clearly understood on
the [tulyit] of the [sandest] the change for the reputable I
Profeed. ---- shile I was attending I
my reduced [al] concerns, I allowed the [Sheward] to go
in with the culture of the ground way [wittary but
grafs], the long to him, and they're [fened] that.
whatever he could make it produce would be by; he
paying all to [efperson] of culture. But it was not
my idea. Made his unformly been that the U.S.
Should pay the culture and the produce haved be
a shall position [shay ural cut a the horphitae]
ground [butgear I observed of L] that had
a [bam] been built which had they [pethonel] for, they hay
[wored be hurt cut and then Larkhain what haved be]
one, he [rephed put] it in your own barn. I [ridro,]
the [suantly cran] to thinking that it would not
Love [faced in the blanket] for 10 dollars. not it
in [lufficiant to] make it appearance that I did not
speak correctly [shem raid ]in my letters is you,
that [Shad] neither lot [porhouinor in tent] in the garden.
[Hin diff.] For me [ephlaium] the principle of [arthers]
[hamp conduct]; and the accountable for it to try and
how [dytcuelit in b convey precise idea in la chemy ]
[artfluishettins], and yet [huwale] of they are, they
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