(seq. 35)




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To Dr Elliott Boston Sept 5th 1814
Sargetnt of 40th Regt of


I am the opinion of the Commanding
General, as well as my own of my opinion that
the good of the Service will require that
you repair without loss of time to Fort Warren
^and take charge of the health of the troops
stationed there, and that your mate Mr
Jud [San??] should attend near the troops at
the General Rendezvous in West Boston.

Whatever instruments you may need will
be immediately provided [inelligible]
Yours very respectfully,
R Waterhouse[?] Director
& J Mores H West

Cambridge Sept 24 1814

Having occasion to [constabile] a Medical
board for the examination of some candidates
for mateships who have never received Diploma,
I write this to ask you to appoint some field
officer to sit as President agreeably to the usage
of our service as mentioned in the letter of the
Physician General which we have seen.
I propose to have Dr Sargent & D Elliot as members
of it if aggreable to you, & to meet on Thursday the
29th Inst. yesterday

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