(seq. 38)



Status: Page Status Transcribed

to obtain from the apothecary; [afi??] a
reciept further articles transmit it to
your office. Mr. Cutty spoke to me yesterday
on the subject until then I took for granted
that General Dearborn had transmitted a
regular report of the transaction.
[Thaed??] the correct in my ideas, would
thank you for directions how to act for I
have (not) articles in my hands, excepting a
[c??] of pocket instrumens, and 4 printed books.
I am respcetfully yours
B. Waterhouse

July 8th, 1810
Although my furlough is not yet [o??]
as there [v??] my health I am
now fit to [ref??] my duties as
hospital surgeon, and am ready to obey
the General's orders, [un??] the [afi??]
[expe??] in the General orders leaving
[o??] the should be sufficient without
further commands from him.

B. Waterhouse
[A?] C.K. [Go??]
[Ad?? G??] Brownsville

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