(seq. 39)




Status: Page Status Transcribed

Boston July 12, 1816

To Michael Cuthbert
Superintendent of Military Supplies Washington

I here transmit the receipt of D JAmes W. Sergent
the apothecary 'Generals apartment for all the Hospital
Stores & Medicines that were deposed in the Gen'l
Hospital Charlestown [deleted text]prior to[deleted text] until the beginning
of april 1815, when it was suddenly borken up without
[deleted text] an hours warning by the order[deleted text] of Maj General Denton
in consequenc of the Smallpox appearing it attended
with peculiar circumstances, of alarm to the ^neighbourhood. The steps
taken by the municipal authority were so prompt so
threatening [deleted text] & the alarm so spent in the neighbourhood[deleted
text], that I only wonder that more articles were not destroyed or
missing. They were removed by the Deputy Dr Master, the
medicines to the U.S store in Boston, & the hospital furniture
& Stores to the U.S Arsenal Charlestown. As this was done
by the preemptory order of Major General Denton without
consenting me, or giving me a moments precious notice,
I considered my responsibility as it regarded these articles
at an end. The General ordered me to send the
smallpox patient to Fort Warren. But the day following
the Boston board of health & Select men took the
sick Soldier from the fort & sent him to their own
public hospital. I mention these things to show that the
rapidity with which this hospital was broken up was
to prevent popular commmotion [deleted text]
all these things werem ade known to the apos
The army General

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