(seq. 42)




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watch coats be assigned to every barge. The comparative
differenec between the health of cavalry infantry
& bargemen justifies the advice if defending
the latter from the severity of raw & cold weather after
the severe [?] of rowing

I have finally denounced in my former posts
to construction of some of the [underlined] blackholes [underlined], in which
men are sometimes reduced nearly to death
in them & two often contract complaints, that shorten
their lives & render them uncomfortable while they
do exist:

I speak generally when I say that I am not very
well pleased with the [underlined]quality[underlined] of the medicines used
by surgeons. I very rarely find the articles equal
to what the British in their services. I hope
the new arrangement will operate in improvement.

Presuming that Dr Euston would attend to the
quarterly returns, I have been less critical with
them, but as I looked over them in the apl hsp
office I couldnt but notice marks of some
neglect. One surgeon notes no day book, or case
book because he has no paper. I propose to
send a circular to the surgeons in this department
pointing out the leaness of their reports
& suggesting more fullness. Some of the comments
of post object to the Surgeon [deletion]making[deletion] mentioning the
number this garrison without reflecting then when
the surgeon returns more than ten perent sick
I ought to make particular enquiry into the local causes

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